Chapter 1726 Curse him to death
Chu Mo looked at Yunyan's back and his eyes deepened. He has never had the slightest affection for these women in Yunfu. Although Yunyan has been by his side for many years, in his heart, Yunyan is just a bed warmer after all. tool.

If it weren't for the fact that the Yun Mansion's status in the court has been getting higher and higher in the past few years, he might have driven them all out of the Ming Palace long ago.

Such a big event happened today, but Yun Jingyan didn't come to visit him, he felt a little weird, so he asked Yun Yan to try Yun Jingyan to see what Yun Jingyan would do.

After Yunyan arrived at Yun Mansion, Yun Jingyan was sitting there thinking about something, after Yun Yan made a light salute, Yun Jingyan asked, "Why did you go back to the mansion in the middle of the night?"

Yunyan has been by Chu Mo's side all these years, and although she doesn't understand the affairs of the court, she has become a half-human spirit.

She could faintly guess the purpose of Chu Mo asking her to invite Yun Jingyan in the middle of the night, she said softly: "Ming Wang was assassinated, why didn't father go to the palace?"

"If I go to the palace, King Ming will definitely ask me who did this thing, that bastard of your elder brother, he has been hanging out with the fourth prince all these years, this matter is most likely caused by the fourth prince's party, How do you think I should answer?" Yun Jingyan originally didn't want to say these words to Yun Yan, but Yun Yan is now the most favored person in the Ming Palace, and although Yun Jingyan didn't like her very much before, she has become his now foundation.

Yun Yan gritted her teeth and said, "Father should really take good care of elder brother on weekdays, he has become more and more disreputable over the years!"

What Yun Chu has done in Beijing these years has become equivalent to that of a dude, and Yun Yan is extremely displeasing to the eye, because Chu Mo has mentioned Yun Chu's matter in front of her several times, although the words are extremely cryptic, but Yun Yan could understand, but she couldn't control Yun Chu's behavior, so she kept pretending to be confused.

In fact, Yun Yan knew why Yun Chu had targeted Chu Mo so much over the years, and instead joined Chu Shu's camp. In the end, it was just that Chu Mo had always been very bad to Yun Yan, and Yun Yan had lost her love before she married Chu Mo. Innocent, and had an abortion, even if Yun Chu wanted to criticize Chu Mo, it was impossible for him to say a few words, so he could only express his dissatisfaction with practical actions.

Hearing Yun Chu, Yun Jingyan felt suffocated in his heart, he gritted his teeth and said, "Yesterday I went to great lengths to redeem him from Jingjiwei's camp, but he is fine. As soon as he came out, there was no one there, someone watched him go out of the city, but there is no news until now."

Yun Yan thought of one thing, and said softly: "Brother has been getting very close to Chu Tianyou of the Chu Palace for the past few years, and there was such a big incident in Beijing yesterday, he wouldn't go to Chu Tianyou, would he?"

"If he goes to find Chu Tianyou, he will be in big trouble." Yun Jingyan's eyes showed a trace of urgency, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Yesterday, Chu Yuanzhou was angry and burned Chu Tianyou to death. , if your elder brother went to find Chu Tianyou, I'm afraid..."

He didn't say what he said later, but Yun Yan understood it, and felt that Yun Chu was not only extremely annoying, but also a provocateur, she whispered: "That thing that is not enough to succeed, but has more than enough to fail, it is better to die early." Super born."

Her voice was so small that Yun Jingyan couldn't hear it clearly, and asked, "What did you just say?"

(End of this chapter)

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