Chapter 1733
Zhu'er shook slightly when she heard Yun Qian's words, and after Yun Yan was pulled down, Zhu'er knelt down beside Yun Qian and said, "What happened today is the fault of this servant, and this servant originally thought that Aunt Yun is the elder sister of the Shizi Concubine. , came in early in the morning again, presumably there is something urgent, don't let the imperial concubine get angry."

Yun Qian took a look at Zhu'er and said, "You can remember this in the future."

Her words were light and light, and Zhu'er didn't know whether she was angry or not, and she didn't know what to do for a while, but Shuxiu helped Zhu'er up and said: "Okay, it's okay, just be more careful next time .”

Seeing that Yun Qian didn't say anything else, Zhu'er felt relieved.

The light in Yun Qian's eyes darkened a bit, and there was a slight chill in those bright eyes.

After Zhu'er left, Shuxiu asked softly: "Does the Imperial Concubine doubt Zhu'er?"

"It's not suspicious." Yun Qian said lightly, "I just think she's a bit too bold, but she doesn't take me seriously at all."

Shuxiu was slightly taken aback by Yun Qian's words, and Yun Qian asked again: "Do you still remember how Zhu'er came to my room back then?"

Shuxiu nodded lightly and said: "Naturally, I remember that at that time, the concubine Shi Zi brought Zhu'er and Lu'er back from the book city. Lu'er was Lu Zhu's spy. At that time, Lu'er was disposed of, and Zhu'er was left behind."

"That's right." Yun Qian said slowly, "That's how Zhu'er came in, but later I sent someone to check her details carefully. She was not a child of the family, but sold herself as a slave because of difficulties at home. , but these are only superficial phenomena, Shizi's hidden guards found out that she came out of Lufu."

"She came from Lu's mansion!" Shuxiu said slightly startled: "In that case, she must belong to Concubine Lu, Concubine Lu has long since died, and now Concubine Lu's only child in the mansion is Chutian Qi is alone, so she must belong to Chu Tianqi!"

"It should be." Yunqian said lightly, and she said slowly: "Chu Tianqi's three-year filial piety period has expired. In the past three years, she has been looking for opportunities to pay me, but my house has always been watertight. Zhu'er, she You can't serve him closely either. Her father told Chu Tianqi about her marriage before, and she made excuses to refuse it, but she knew very clearly in her heart that she couldn't keep refusing that matter."

Shuxiu said softly: "It's no wonder she has changed her habit of living in seclusion recently. I'm afraid she has something on her mind."

"She hooked up with the queen first, and then finally used Zhu'er who had been lurking beside me for a long time. She had a good intention." Yun Qian sneered.

Shuxiu glanced at Yun Qian and said softly: "Since the concubine Shi Zi knew that Zhu'er had a problem, why did she promote Zhu'er to a first-class maid so that she could serve the concubine closely?"

Yun Qian said faintly: "Zhu'er has been looking for opportunities to get close to me, hinted at it countless times, and has always been extremely loyal. She has been a second-class maid by my side for three years. If she doesn't Promote her, think she will be impatient, if she is anxious, I'm afraid more things will happen. Why don't you put it under your nose and see what things can happen to her. Besides, I've always been curious, What on earth is she going to do to express her favor in front of me so eagerly, and to let Yunyan in like this today."

(End of this chapter)

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