Chapter 1735

Yun Jingyan now only hopes that Chu Mo will ascend to the throne, and then he will become the head of the country, then his life will become better and better, and the power in his hands will become greater and greater.

When Chu Mo saw Yun Jingyan walking out, a chill appeared in his eyes. What he was thinking at this moment was that if he ascended the throne, Yun Jingyan would be the first person to get rid of!

The greatest shame in his life was being in Yun Mansion. He didn't want to be said that his former concubine was unfaithful and the concubines in the mansion were unclean.

His cold eyes are because Yun Jingyan has been useful all these years, and now it is the best help for him to ascend to the throne of God, otherwise, he would like to uproot Yun Mansion right now.

At this moment, Yun Jingyan was dreaming his Qingqiu dream. If he knew what Chu Mo was thinking at this time, he didn't know how he should feel.

It's just that many things are difficult to develop according to people's wishes, and everyone's wishes are different, and God can't take care of everyone.

In the palace, the waves were also surging at this time. Concubine De went to find the queen once after Chu Mo was injured, but the queen did not have a fuel-efficient lamp. Concubine De didn't get any advantage in the verbal battle with the queen.

Concubine De went back to her palace, the more she thought about this matter, the more annoyed she felt. This time she suffered a big loss, Chu Mo was injured, and this matter will definitely affect the views of the court ministers towards Chu Mo.

Originally, Concubine De wanted to bring the disaster of this matter to Chu Yi, but Chu Yuanzhou had already removed the relationship for Chu Yi, and in addition, Chu Yi had a pill in his hand that blindly restrained the emperor's chronic poison. The emperor already trusted Chu Yi very much, and she couldn't do anything to Chu Yi for a while.

Concubine De concubine thought about it, and finally felt that the matter could not be left alone. The emperor also had some doubts about the queen and Chu Shu in her heart. She felt that if the matter of Chu Mo's injury was let go, then she would be really at a loss. up.The emperor said to ask Jingcheng Yin and Jingjiwei to investigate. According to their speed, they might find out the year of the monkey.

Concubine De decided to see the emperor after thinking this way, but she just walked outside when she heard a voice from inside, the voice belonged to the queen, Concubine De's eyes narrowed, the servant saw her and wanted to salute , but was directly blocked by her.

Concubine De has always been favored, before the emperor explicitly asked her to listen to the conversation between the emperor and the prince of Chu and his son, all the servants knew about it, now seeing her being eavesdropped by people here, they didn't think there was anything wrong with it, so they were only being rude at the moment.

But the queen said softly: "The concubine heard that the emperor's health is sometimes good and bad, and the concubine was very worried. The concubine has been praying for the emperor for these years, why did God let the emperor suffer from this disease."

When she said this, she wept softly, with concern and worry in the corners of her eyes and brows.

When the emperor saw her, although he was a little dissatisfied with what she had done, she was his first wife after all, and the two had been together the longest, and they had some affection.

He also felt very comfortable when he heard that she had been praying for him during the period when she was punished by him. He said softly, "Birth, old age, sickness and death are normal things, so it's good to see it."

Concubine De narrowed her eyes slightly when she heard the emperor talking to the empress in such a gentle manner, she was a little unhappy, but she couldn't say much.

(End of this chapter)

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