Chapter 1737
Concubine De was very angry when she heard the emperor's words outside the house. Although she knew that the emperor had always had some preference for Chu Yuan, she didn't know that the emperor had thought of making Chu Yuan the heir. Confident, I am afraid that the throne belongs to Chu Yuan.

Concubine De's hands clenched into fists, her heart was completely chilled by the emperor.

After thanking the emperor, the queen said softly: "The emperor is seriously ill now, and my concubines have heard that Chongxi can dispel the sickness, the emperor might as well give it a try."

The emperor laughed and said: "I am the one who wants to bury half of my body in the loess. If I choose another concubine, I am afraid that I will be laughed at by the subjects of the world."

The queen knew that the emperor had misunderstood her meaning, and immediately smiled lightly: "The concubine is not trying to persuade the emperor to choose a concubine, but now that several princes have grown up, but have not yet married, the concubine wants to marry them all. Then let them get married as soon as possible to drive away the emperor's illness."

The emperor was slightly stunned when he heard the queen's words, and thought for a while and said: "That's right, the fourth child is 26 this year, and even the seventh child is 21 years old, it's time to get married."

Concubine De couldn't listen anymore when she heard this, she came out and said: "The empress is really considerate, but before the fourth prince hurt the seventh prince in the street, it is better to stay in the clan's mansion for a while before this kind of behavior. wonderful."

"Concubine De has been here for a long time, right?" the queen said calmly.

"Just arrived." Concubine De said with a smile on her face: "I know that the emperor is not in good health, so I didn't let the servant pass the message."

Among all the concubines, only Concubine De can directly enter the emperor's bedroom without permission, which is known to all.

The queen glanced at Concubine De and said, "Concubine De really has a heart."

After the emperor heard what the two said, he felt a little unhappy, but he just said lightly: "Lao Si has always acted safely and is very friendly to his brothers. Here it is, someone is assassinating Lao Qi, and Lao Si is just a scapegoat."

After the emperor said these words, Concubine De's eyes were filled with shock, and the empress said softly, "Your majesty is wise."

"It's just that although this matter has been investigated clearly, the impact of this matter is not very good after all. As an elder brother, the fourth brother really shouldn't quarrel with his younger brother in the street. If he didn't quarrel with that one, how could people with ulterior motives take advantage of it?" opportunity?" The emperor coughed lightly and said, "So let the fourth child stay in Jingjiwei for a while longer!"

Such a result made the queen feel a little unhappy. She had been thinking of a way to rescue Chu Shu these days, and finally chose the method of finding someone to replace her. She was just trying to bribe the minister of the Ministry of punishment, and the queen spent a lot of thought.

Because of her high status, it is difficult to do many things in person, but it is difficult to do many things if she does not do so in person. In addition, Chu Tianyou is dead, Yun Chu's whereabouts are unknown, and there is no capable person around her, so she is choosing He spent a lot of thought on the matter of people, and finally went to the Minister of Criminal Affairs through the Lan Mansion, and with evidence, this matter was completed.

The queen originally planned to take advantage of the opportunity to release Chu Shu completely, but she did not expect the emperor to make such a conclusion. She was a little disappointed in her heart, but her face was still calm, and she nodded slightly: "It's still the emperor's thoughtfulness." , Brothers should love each other in the first place, but now that there is Shu'er, other princes will understand the emperor's painstaking efforts."

(End of this chapter)

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