Chapter 1739 Marriage given by holy attainments
Concubine De pursed her lips and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, I'm talking about the central matter, so you're not happy! If that's the case, I'll apologize to Your Majesty the Empress."

She apologized, but there was no respect on her face, and there was even a bit of chill in her eyes.

The empress and concubine De have been fighting for decades, so naturally she wouldn't get angry at Concubine De's few words, instead she just smiled coldly.

Concubine De pursed her lips again and said: "Women like us who have entered the palace as concubines feel happy or sad when we see the majestic palace. To survive in this palace, we naturally need a son. To put it bluntly, the eldest prince was actually destroyed by the queen's own hands. It's just that the queen's own child has no hope, so it seems a little anxious to transfer hope to the child born to another concubine dry."

The queen hates others talking about Chu Yuan's affairs. If she hadn't had great endurance, she might have a fit at this time, so she said indifferently: "Why, Concubine De sees that Shu'er is more capable than King Ming. Are you afraid?"

"Am I afraid of the fourth prince?" Concubine De said with great disdain: "Even if you try to get the fourth prince out of the clan's mansion this time, he can't still think of the fourth prince. The empress really thinks the emperor's heart Are there no thorns left?"

The empress was touched by what she said, her eyes suddenly turned cold, but Concubine De raised her chin slightly and said: "Besides, even if the fourth prince has a great fortune and really ascended to the throne, the empress thinks that he Will I respect you?"

Concubine De's words immediately pierced into the Empress's heart like a sharp arrow. This is what the Empress is most worried about these years. She immediately sneered and said, "Prince Ming is indeed very good, but he has been married for nearly four years, but he has not yet had a son and a half. Daughter, Concubine De is in the mood to worry about the affairs of the palace, so she should think about it for King Ming! Also spend more time looking after those wives and concubines of King Ming, and don't make any shameful things. Jun, but pass the throne to someone else's child, that is really a joke."

Concubine De was so angry that she wanted to vomit blood when she heard the Queen's words. Yun Yan's infidelity was no longer a secret in Da Zhou. With a lot of scruples, I had to endure this matter.

The queen glanced at Concubine De, smiled lightly and strode away.

Concubine De glared at the direction in which the queen was leaving, feeling unbearable anger in her heart, this Yun Yan is really a slut, to let her be blamed by the queen for this matter!
It's just that Concubine De has a lot of dissatisfaction with the fact that Chu Mo has never had a child, but this matter is not the most urgent thing right now. She can't help but think in her heart that after Chu Mo ascends the throne, Yun Mansion must be uprooted to eliminate today's situation. Bad breath.

After a few days like this, a piece of holy scriptures was announced into the Chu Palace, and Chu Tianqi was named to point out the scriptures. Chu Tianqi naturally knew the meaning of the holy scriptures, but she didn't expect the Queen's action to be so fast. The light became darker, and he gave a big gift to Eunuch Zhu.

Because Yunqian was pregnant, it had nothing to do with her being the saint, so she didn't go to point out, but sent Shuxiu to see what was going on, and Shuxiu came back soon, and said softly: "Yes. The emperor bestowed a marriage on the third lady and on the fourth prince."

(End of this chapter)

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