Chapter 1741 The Calculation Begins

Even though Chu Tianqi no longer has any hope for love, but she feels that if she can't get love, then she must have power and wealth!These, how could a rich family satisfy her?

Chu Tianqi's eyes were dark, and there was a scorching cold light in them.
King Chu frowned when he heard the news that the emperor had bestowed marriage on Chu Tianqi. Abnormal.

The object of Xu Ci's marriage is actually Chu Shu. Although cousins ​​can intermarry in Dazhou, the King of Chu still disagrees with such a marriage.

From King Chu's point of view, the emperor's move contained many meanings, and all those meanings were naturally aimed at him.

The rights in the hands of the King of Chu, even if one hundred thousand was allocated to Chu Yi, the emperor still did not feel at ease. This matter is definitely not a good thing for the Chu Palace.

He felt a little uneasy, and also a little worried for Chu Tianqi, after thinking about it, he decided to go to Chu Tianqi's room to persuade her.

It was only when he got there that he smelled a faint fragrance from inside. He frowned slightly, and saw that the window in the room was half open, and Chu Tianqi was kneeling on the ground, facing the direction south of the capital.

When King Chu saw Chu Tianqi's actions, his eyes turned cold for an instant. At this moment, Chu Tianqi's eyes opened. Seeing the deepness and murderous intent in Chu Tianqi's eyes, King Chu felt a chill in his heart.

To the south of the capital, there is no place worthy of Chu Tianqi's worship. The only reason for Chu Tianqi to kneel down is that Lu Zhu died in Feihua Bieyuan, which happens to be in the direction south of the capital. .

The King of Chu suddenly felt a little depressed. He had always thought that Chu Tianqi was well-behaved, but seeing Chu Tianqi's actions at this time, the King of Chu finally understood that Chu Tianqi had always been bitter about Lu Zhu's death. Yu Huai.

He knew that the main reason for Chu Tianqi's grudge was because of Yun Qian, but he wouldn't believe it if Chu Tianqi didn't hate him at all.

King Chu shook his body slightly, turned around and left Chu Tianqi's room.

The king of Chu felt that he had nothing to persuade Chu Tianqi. The matter of marrying Chu Shu was probably her own idea.

King Chu suddenly felt that his life was a failure. He had always had deep feelings for Princess Chu, but she hated him to the bone; Zhu felt guilty, but he almost killed Princess Chu; he could be said to have exhausted his father's love for Chu Tianqi and Chu Tianyou, but although they were afraid of him, they never had a part of their own flesh and blood. affection.

There was some sadness in King Chu's eyes, and he went straight back to the study with layers of remorse in his eyes.

He supported his head with one hand, and leaned against the table without moving. He originally only had a few gray hairs, but at this moment it suddenly turned gray a lot.

The door was knocked, but he didn't make a sound, the door was gently pushed open, Princess Chu walked in slowly with Yilan, as soon as Princess Chu came in, she felt the dull atmosphere in the room, she was slightly stunned, looked at King Chu glanced at him.

King Chu's eyes also lifted up, just in time to look at her.

Concubine Chu said softly: "Today, Yilan stewed pork rib soup. I saw that the taste is very rich, so I brought a bowl to the prince."

PS: Many relatives don't like Chu Tianqi, and I will start to deal with her. When the time comes, relatives will express that Yun Qian is too ruthless!Even Su Yunqian's own mother!

(End of this chapter)

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