Chapter 1743
And now the most beloved daughter of the King of Chu is also exchanging a lifetime of happiness for the overthrow of the Prince Chu's mansion. This incident will probably hit the King of Chu harder than Chu Tianyou's death.

That's all for what she said. How can the King of Chu, who is rolling in the court, fail to understand the truth in the middle.

Concubine Chu didn't speak any more, but brought back the bowl of pork rib soup that was placed in front of King Chu. King Chu raised his eyes and glanced at her, but there was no arrogance in his eyes when he told her to "shut up" just now. The helplessness of ordinary men.

That look was clearly asking: "Jingshu, how could this be? How did I get to this point?"

Princess Chu didn't seem to understand the question in his eyes, she still put the soup into the food box gracefully, and then said lightly: "My lord has turned white a lot, and I want to work hard for state affairs recently, this bowl of ribs Don't drink the soup, I will ask Yilan to cook a bowl of Shouwu soup for the Wangfu later."

King Chu was stunned when he heard Princess Chu's words, but Princess Chu walked out slowly with the food box.

When Princess Chu walked out, King Chu took out the bronze mirror from a cabinet.

Although the bronze mirror didn't illuminate very clearly, he could clearly see his half-grey hair.

The King of Chu sighed, and said softly: "Maybe the result today is the retribution of spoiling my concubine and destroying my wife! It deserves it!"

His heart was full of sorrow, but those sorrows were somewhat helpless.

If he had been brave enough to marry Lu Zhu into the Chu Palace, how would this series of things have happened?
The king of Chu sat down on the chair with a bloodless face. He galloped on the battlefield all his life, killed the enemy bravely, and formed a precise formation. He was called a generation of heroes and a generation of war gods, but he handled his family affairs in a mess.

His eyes fell on a miscellaneous journal on the bookshelf. That journal was a booklet for him to record things in his daily life. He had recorded miscellaneous incidents in that journal for many years. He gently opened the first page, and that page recorded The status of the Chu Palace in the court and its future layout.

He was slightly stunned, but the annoyance in his heart had dissipated a lot. Today's Chu Palace is no longer his own.

He can't really put Chu Wangfu into a desperate situation just because of Chu Wangqi!

His eyes darkened a bit. In addition to Chu Tianqi, he has other children in the Chu Palace. With Chu Yuanzhou whom he is proud of, how could he allow the Chu Palace to be designed by Chu Tianqi? And in danger?
Moreover, if something happened to the Chu Palace, many courtiers who were close to the Chu Palace would also be in danger, which he could not tolerate.

The King of Chu's eyes became colder, and he said sharply: "Come here, the third lady is eager to think about the side concubine, let her pack up her burden immediately, and go to Feihua Bieyuan to get married tomorrow. Before that, you are not allowed to go back to the palace!"

Chu Zhifang, the steward of the palace, was stunned for a moment when he heard his order, and said softly: "My lord, the emperor has just issued a holy order to bestow a marriage..."

"That's right." The King of Chu said slowly: "After the third lady gets married, it will be difficult to return to the palace to fulfill her filial piety, so let her do her best before she gets married!"

Chu Zhifang knew that the king of Chu had always been one-sided, so he responded immediately, and then retreated very quickly.

After Yunqian heard the arrangement of the King of Chu from Princess Chu, her eyes moved slightly, and she said softly, "Father is very reasonable."

(End of this chapter)

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