Chapter 1760 Her tragedy
Chu Yuanzhou turned his head to look at Yun Qian, but saw a sly brilliance in her usually calm eyes. Once he saw her eyes like this, he knew that Chu Tianqi would definitely be worse than death in the future.

At this time, the two were very close, and he could smell the faint fragrance emanating from her body. Her skin was as white and smooth as an egg that had been peeled from a pot. There was a teasing smell in front of his nose.

His originally suppressed desire became stronger again, he bowed his body slightly, and wanted to pounce on Yunqian again, but soon he thought of her pregnancy again, and he had no choice but to suppress his desire to have sex again.

Chu Yuanzhou touched Yunqian's face and said, "Do you really have to wait two months?"

Yun Qian nodded her head lightly and said, "Didn't Master Shizi always want a child?"

"I think I want it, but who knew it would be so troublesome!" Chu Yuanzhou's eyes were full of dissatisfaction with desire and dissatisfaction, but he was somewhat helpless. If he knew that he was pregnant, the two of them would not be able to make such an intimate gesture. Just let her get pregnant later.

Seeing Chu Yuanzhou's appearance, Yunqian raised the corner of her mouth slightly, but reached out and gently pulled his face. He took the opportunity to make a face at her, and she couldn't help laughing when she saw his appearance.

Chu Yuanzhou snorted softly, his voice full of desire and dissatisfaction and helplessness.

Compared with Yunqian and Chu Yuanzhou's happy life, Chu Tianqi's appearance at this time is extremely sad.

After she was kicked out of the palace by the King of Chu today, her face was swollen and her hair was messed up. Although all her jewelry items were brought out, the yard had not been lived in for many years and was in dilapidated condition.

Although the king of Chu hated her for speaking too much today, she was his daughter after all, so he still gave her a rough envoy.

Since the wedding date of Chu Tianqi and Chu Shu has not been fully set yet, but the king of Chu knew that such a wedding date would come soon, and he didn't want anything else to happen, so he mobilized a few guards to watch Chu Tianqi. up.

In name, Chu Tianqi went to live in the mansion for a while, but in fact it was no different from house arrest.

Looking at the dilapidated courtyard, Chu Tianqi felt that it was not even comparable to the nunnery she used to live in.

Although she grew up in a nunnery, she had suffered hardships before, but her identity was placed there, and she was served by people in the nunnery.And since she returned to the Chu Palace three years ago, she has become accustomed to the life in the Chu Palace. Now she comes here again, she just feels uncomfortable all over her body.

She asked the maid to clean the house, but there was too much dust in the room, once the maid swept it, the room was full of dust, finally, Chu Tianqi sat on the broken bed after cleaning. down.

As soon as she sat down, she felt a severe pain in her abdomen. She was shocked and lay down quickly.
She felt a little frightened in her heart, and reached out her hand to touch it, but when she touched the blood on her hand, she was shocked immediately.

She originally thought it was a monthly letter, but after struggling to get out of bed to deal with it, she realized that something was wrong, not to mention that her menstruation would have to wait more than ten days to arrive, just looking at the bloody appearance, It was something she had never encountered before.For a while, she didn't quite understand what was wrong, why she had such a stomachache.

(End of this chapter)

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