Chapter 1768 The Beginning of Rage

Chu Shu felt a little disdainful when he heard the words, but he finally understood the root cause of the queen's bad mood. He knew what kind of treatment Chu Yuan received in the clan's mansion. The queen must not be happy seeing him like that .

After knowing the reason, Chu Shu was completely relieved. In his opinion, Chu Yuan was just a waste and could not affect anything at all, but he was the queen's son after all, and the queen would definitely be a little unhappy seeing him like that.

After the queen left the clan mansion, Chu Yuanzhou stood under the wall outside the clan mansion and took a bite of an apple, his eyes full of inscrutable.

When the queen returned to the palace, she immediately sent someone to investigate what happened to Chu Yuan and Chu Shu. It was only three days before the spies presented all the news.

After spreading out the news, the empress glanced at it roughly, then crumpled the piece of paper heavily and threw it on the ground. She sneered and said, "You are so handsome, how dare you bully me so far!"

When she finished speaking, her face became extremely gloomy and terrifying.

Ever since she entered the palace, she has been planning every step of the way, calculating everything, her purpose is to let her son ascend to the throne of God.

After Chu Yuan was imprisoned in the clan's mansion, she was really sad for a while, but she also knew that no matter how sad she was, things had already happened, and the things that should be faced still had to be faced.

It just so happened that Chu Shu was by her side to comfort her all the time, because Chu Shu's frequent appearance made the queen have other thoughts in her heart, because Chu Shu's mother and concubine had never been favored and had passed away a few years ago , Chu Shu has been relying on Chu Yuan to live, the queen thinks this is a good opportunity, she can use Chu Shu to save Chu Yuan.

And when she hadn't expressed her thoughts at that time, Chu Shu had already told her that as long as Chu Yuan could be rescued, he could do anything. It was because of Chu Shu's words that she said that at that time. her plan.

Thinking about it now, Chu Shu answered very happily at the time, but he had expected her to have such a proposal.

All of this was planned by Chu Shu.

There was a deep chill in the empress's eyes. She was sitting on a high position, her whole body had no warmth. No one dared to say a word when the maids and eunuchs around her saw her like this.

The queen's face was ugly, and her eyes shone with murderous intent through the burning candle.

How many people's corpses did she climb to become the queen back then, how much thought and how many people she had secretly dealt with in order to keep her throne over the years.

But she didn't expect that she would be cheated by that bastard Chu Shu!He has never been so kind!

The queen even felt that if Chu Shu hadn't stayed by Chu Yuan's side, perhaps Chu Yuan's aptitude would have been inferior, but it would be harmless. As long as he obeyed her arrangements, he would be able to win the emperor's favor. Chu is willing to be the prince's idea.

It's just that she had calculated thousands of times, but she didn't expect that Chu Shu would destroy Chu Yuan life and death in order to achieve his goal!
Chu Shu just destroyed Chu Yuan, but he still wants to use her ability to climb up step by step, and even wants to be the emperor!
Even though she had some doubts about Chu Shu before, she didn't expect that Chu Shu's scheming was so sinister and deep. She thought of the backhands she had reserved for Chu Shu, which seemed a bit ridiculous now.

(End of this chapter)

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