Chapter 1772
Yun Qian glanced at Chu Yuanzhou and said, "Prince Jing wants to become the future monarch, and this matter will have to be faced sooner or later. Besides, the current King Jing is no longer the King Jing of four years ago. After the leader of Jiwei, he has real power in the capital, and with his management in the capital over the years, now he has the strength to fight against Chu Mo."

"You are right." The worry in Chu Yuanzhou's eyes did not diminish, but became more intense, "It's just that although his strength is much greater than that of four years ago, in the final analysis, his mother clan is not Without much foundation, the only thing he can rely on is Chu Palace."

At this point in what he said, Yunqian fully understood what he meant, and she said softly: "The Chu Palace has been in the court for so many years, and they have always laughed at the princes being relegated, and have never expressed their position. Maybe he just watched there all the time, but if he expresses his position now, the emperor would have nothing to do."

The emperor is now seriously ill, and he has his suspicions about the princes. At this time, the court, in the final analysis, is controlled by Chu Yuanzhou.

"You're right. The Chu Palace needs to express its position, but it's still too early." Chu Yuanzhou's eyes were deep, and his words were extremely calm, suppressing all the rebelliousness in the past.

Yunqian knew what he was referring to when he said earlier, she said softly: "It is true that it is earlier, but the emperor is already seriously ill, if the Chu palace does not hand over the power, the emperor will not be able to do anything. And Now even if the emperor wants Chu Palace to hand over the power, he will weigh more."

"I can't help it." Chu Yuanzhou said quietly: "But I don't want to let the people in the world feel that the Chu Palace is too powerful before the new emperor ascends the throne."

"You don't want the new emperor to think that the Chu Palace will become a hidden danger!" Yun Qian glanced at Chu Yuanzhou and said.

After hearing her, Chu Yuanzhou expressed his thoughts immediately, and raised his eyebrows slightly.

Yun Qian said softly: "Yuan Zhou, although we discussed these matters earlier, but now this matter is about to happen, do you feel different in your heart?"

Chu Yuanzhou reached out and rubbed her hair and said, "Qianqian, you are really smart."

Yun Qian smiled and said, "Actually, I think what you thought you said was quite right."

"What?" Chu Yuanzhou asked.

Yun Qian blinked slightly and said, "What you do in the future depends to a large extent on Prince Jing's attitude towards you. If he believes in you, nothing will happen."

"Of course he believes me now." Chu Yuanzhou said softly, "But I don't know what will happen in the future."

Seeing his appearance, Yun Qian smiled and said, "In the end, this is something for the future, so don't think too much about it for now."

After hearing her words, Chu Yuanzhou stretched out his hand and pinched her face lightly, and said, "You make a lot of sense."

On the second day, Chu Yuanzhou went to Muxiu and didn't have to go to court. The two slept later than usual. Chu Yuanzhou can't do the most intimate things with Yunqian now, but he feels that looking at her like this is really a blessing. matter.

Because she was pregnant, she fell asleep more than usual. At this time, Chu Yuanzhou half-lyed beside her and looked at her for nearly a quarter of an hour, but he still hadn't woken up.

At this time, her eyes were slightly closed, her long eyelashes were lightly covered, her complexion was as white as porcelain, and she looked peaceful and beautiful.

(End of this chapter)

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