Chapter 1775 Yun Qian makes a move
"Is the empress in a hurry and confused?" Concubine De said with great disdain: "The concubine knows some medical skills, but it is only limited to treating the queen mother's feet and concubine Chu's illness. I have never heard that the concubine has some medical skills. Who has healed it?"

The queen said indifferently: "The Queen Mother's foot and Princess Chu's disease were not cured by many doctors before, but the concubine was cured, which proves that the concubine's medical skills are very good."

Her words unknowingly pushed Yun Qian to the cusp of the storm. As soon as she said this, if Yun Qian cured the emperor, it would be fine. If not, she would be able to cure her of the responsibility of not doing her best.

When Yunqian heard the queen's words, there was a hint of coldness in her eyes. After careful calculation, she and the queen had nothing to do with each other, but she had rejected the queen once, and the queen could no longer tolerate her.

Concubine De quickly reacted after hearing what the queen said. She glanced at Yun Qian and said, "The empress is right, the concubine's medical skills are the most superb, so hurry up and treat the emperor at this time!"

Yun Qian said lightly: "I just came to visit the emperor with the son, but I didn't say that I would treat the emperor's illness, but the two empresses have placed such high hopes on me. I am really flattered."

Chu Yuanzhou was already annoyed by what these women said, so he glanced sideways at the queen and concubine De and said, "The two ladies are anxious because the emperor is ill. Reluctantly, I came here to get the emperor's pulse. It would be great to be able to cure the emperor's illness. If it can't be cured, anyway, so many imperial doctors are helpless, and the empress and concubine De will not blame you."

The expressions of Concubine De and the Queen changed slightly, but the two of them couldn't say much, the Queen's reaction was quick, and she said flatly: "Your Majesty is right."

Yun Qian smiled lightly when she heard the words, walked to the emperor's side and stretched out her hand to gently catch the emperor's pulse. Earlier, she only prescribed the antidote for the emperor based on the emperor's complexion and the symptoms the palace people said, and the effect was excellent.At this moment, with his pulse like this, her heart is even more settled.

Her eyes were dim, but after a while, she took out a row of golden needles from her bosom, and without saying a word, she quickly stuck a few needles in the emperor's heart. She struck so fast that the queen and Concubine De had no time to stop her. The needles have been applied.

Concubine De then said angrily: "What is Shi Zifei doing, the emperor is a body of ten thousand gold, how can you allow you to be so messy?"

"Didn't the Empress Defei just say that I have excellent medical skills?" Yun Qian's eyes seemed a little puzzled and said: "Since the Empress Defei said that my medical skills are excellent, how could I randomly insert needles?"

Concubine De was about to scold again, but the emperor over there had coughed lightly, the empress went to help the emperor, unexpectedly she hadn't passed yet, the emperor's mouth spurted out a mouthful of black blood, all sprayed on the ground.

Concubine De immediately said loudly: "Here comes someone, the concubine Shizi wants to murder the emperor, so hurry up and drag her up and chop her up!"

"Wait!" Chu Yuanzhou sternly shouted, overflowing with arrogance, Concubine De couldn't help being stunned.

Chu Yuanzhou then said: "Ms. De Concubine thinks too much. Qianqian has no grudges with the emperor. Is there a need to murder the emperor? Besides, have you ever seen someone stupid enough to do it in front of so many people?" Harmful? What's more, this person is still the emperor, what is the imperial doctor doing there in a daze, why don't you come here and give the emperor the pulse?"

(End of this chapter)

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