Chapter 1787 I'm Depressed
Yun Qianbai glanced at Chu Yuanzhou, but Chu Yuanzhou approached her in an extremely ambiguous tone and said, "So now I really hope that the child can come out sooner, even if he can't come out sooner, he should come out sooner." It can grow up to four months. Otherwise, I can’t eat while you are in front of me every day, Qianqian, do you know? It’s not good for a man to hold back like this every day.”

It was only then that Yunqian knew that he had just listened to the fetal movement in front of her for another reason, she stretched out her hand and gently twisted his ear and said, "So you think so, in fact, I have two very good The medicine can help you, so that you don't have to hold back so much."

Hearing what she said, Chu Yuanzhou felt that nothing good happened.

Yun Qian really smiled and said: "I used the first medicine on you on the wedding night. If you are interested, I don't mind using it on you again."

Chu Yuanzhou pursed his lips and said: "Let's forget about that damn medicine! Qianqian, you are so cruel, you are not afraid of breaking me by using that kind of thing on your own husband. problem, your happiness for the rest of your life will be gone.”

Yunqian coughed lightly and said, "If you think that medicine is not very effective, I have another medicine that can make you feel terribly happy in the room by yourself every day, and I guarantee your satisfaction."

When Chu Yuanzhou heard her words, he shuddered and said, "Qianqian, taking medicine like that every day is not good for your health."

"Aren't you afraid that you will spoil your body!" Yun Qian said very considerately.

Chu Yuanzhou said with a smile: "I know that Qianqian is the best person in this world to me, but I think it's better to solve this matter in a normal way."

As soon as he finished speaking, his lips moved towards Yunqian, and she dodged to the side of her body.

But he still wanted to come over again, she reached out and covered her lips, remembering that she was pregnant now, she bit her lips lightly, pushed him away, he grinned at her, his appearance was a little bit Pi Lai felt a little helpless, she gasped lightly, stretched out her hand to pinch his ear and said, "Chu Yuanzhou, get the hell out of here in the study!"

"Qianqian, this is called sharing blessings." Chu Yuanzhou smiled and said, "Do you know my pain now?"

Yunqian's cherry lips were bitten by himself, turning red like a blooming red cherry. He looked at her lips and wanted to kiss her again.

When Yunqian looked into his eyes, she knew what he was up to. Immediately, she stretched out her hand again, and her left hand was between their lips. Chu Yuanzhou slightly flattened his mouth, and said in an extremely aggrieved voice: " Qianqian, let me kiss you again!"

"Go back to your study!" Yun Qian gritted her teeth and said, "Otherwise, I don't mind letting you taste my second medicine."

Chu Yuanzhou snorted softly and said, "Qianqian, you are too cruel and heartless!"

While he was talking, he got out of bed unwillingly. Seeing his appearance, Yunqian felt a little funny, so she let go of her hand from her lips, not wanting him to turn around very quickly, and then He kissed her lips hard.

Yun Qian was stunned for a moment, but he had already turned around and walked away from her for three steps, then said with a smile, "It smells so good!" After he finished speaking, he ran away in a hurry, like a child who stole candy, After walking away, he blinked at her.

Yunqian was annoyed and funny when she saw his rascal's appearance, this guy seldom got in shape.

(End of this chapter)

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