Chapter 1794
Yun Jingyan was very angry, he said loudly: "This matter is not my business at all!"

"I also hope that this matter has nothing to do with Yun Xiang." The Minister of Criminal Affairs said unhurriedly: "But when we handle cases, we pay attention to evidence, and we can see what the evidence says, so what I said is only to the point. In this case of Yunxiang, although there are some doubts, there is also a motive for committing the crime."

"What motive?" Yun Jingyan gritted his teeth.

The Minister of the Ministry of Justice said slowly: "It seems that burning the granary is not beneficial to anyone, but it is not harmful. The only person who will be held accountable is the grain officer. Although someone deliberately set the fire, the grain officer still has to bear the responsibility. The crime of guarding the granary, but the guard on duty last night was transferred from Jingjiwei, there may be other conspiracies in the process. Before those conspiracies are investigated, I dare not infer anything. But Su However, Dong Yan said that he had an accomplice in the arson this time, when a group of people attacked the granary, but those people's martial arts were much better than Jing Jiwei, which proves that the whole thing was planned for a long time."

He talked a lot, and he also talked about motives, but after he finished speaking, he didn't say a word about motives, but actually said a lot of motives.

What he said was not in vain, but both Yun Jingyan and the emperor understood that if this matter was successful, it would be that Jing Jiwei had not guarded the granary properly.

Due to some small changes in the granary a few days ago, the lack of guards there, and some other problems there, Chu Yuanzhou transferred the guards from Jingji after he visited the emperor.

In this way, the grain officer at the granary is Chu Yi after all, and this time the matter is aimed at Chu Yi.

Everyone knows that Chu Shu is now locked up in the clan mansion. Although he may be released, the prince who hurt his own brother is probably lost in the emperor's eyes. .

Before that, the emperor had drawn one hundred thousand troops from the king of Chu to Chu Yi, which proved that Chu Yi was now very favored by the emperor and became Chu Mo's biggest rival for the throne.

In order to completely defeat Chu Yi, the best way to let him fight back is naturally to ask him to ask the crime.

However, Chu Mo has managed the entire capital in an orderly manner in recent years, and he couldn't find a suitable way to make him question the crime for a while, so the best way is to burn the granary. As long as the granary is burned down, Chu Yi will not be able to escape responsibility.

The emperor's eyes were filled with coldness, and the eyes of the minister of punishment were full of darkness. Yun Jingyan gritted his teeth and said, "All this is just your guess! There is no evidence at all!"

"I didn't guess anything, what I said was the truth." The Secretary of the Ministry of Justice glanced at Yun Jingyan and said, "All of this is based on the facts, here is the confession!"

Yun Jingyan wanted to say something more, but at this moment, Eunuch Zhu walked in and said, "Your Majesty, King Ming is begging to see you!"

When the emperor heard Chu Mo coming, his eyes became darker. Regarding Chu Mo, the emperor had always been conflicted in his heart. Chu Mo is the smarter one among the princes, and he seems to be mature in his actions. However, he was extremely ruthless. In the past, when he was fighting for the crown prince with Chu Yuan, some unpleasant things often happened. Those methods seemed to the emperor to be too much.

(End of this chapter)

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