Chapter 1796
The emperor's lukewarm words made Chu Mo feel a little worried, but he also knew that he couldn't say more, so he just stood there and didn't speak.

The emperor finally said slowly: "Come here, take Yunfu to the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, and ask him to carefully cooperate with the investigation of this matter."

After Yun Jingyan heard the emperor's words, he felt a little flustered. Knowing that the emperor treated him like this was only because of the poem in yesterday, he secretly called it unlucky, but when he heard that the emperor did not kill him, he felt relieved Taking a deep breath, he hurriedly fell on the ground and said, "Thank you Lord Ron."

The fierceness in Chu Mo's eyes flashed across, but soon calmed down.

After Yun Jingyan left, the emperor glanced at Chu Mo and said, "You stay in the palace for a few days and don't wander around."

When the emperor said that, he put Chu Mo under house arrest. Chu Mo's eyes flickered slightly, and he said softly, "Yes, father."

He had spent a lot of time studying the emperor's thoughts, and knew that the emperor had become suspicious of him. No matter how much what he said just now was in the emperor's mind, the emperor still became suspicious of him.

After Chu Mo and others left, the emperor only felt exhausted to the extreme, and his health was a little better. After dealing with such a thing, his physical strength was already exhausted, but he asked, "Where is your son?"

Eunuch Zhu replied: "The son said that Yunxiang is his father-in-law. Today's matter involves Yunxiang. It is better for him not to intervene, so he has been waiting outside. Just now the minister of the Ministry of punishment wanted to give him Su Dongyan's confession. Look, he didn't even look at it."

The emperor's face softened a little when he heard this, and said, "This kid."

When Chu Mo walked out of the emperor's bedroom, he saw Chu Yuanzhou standing outside. He glanced at Chu Yuanzhou with complicated eyes, but before he spoke, Chu Yuanzhou smiled and said, "You don't have to thank me, Yun Jingyan is also my father-in-law, if something happens to him, Qianqian will be sad."

His words revealed the truth that he sent someone to inform Chu Mo today.

Chu Mo obviously didn't believe Chu Yuanzhou's words, but he said indifferently: "So, the prince will worry."

Chu Yuanzhou smiled and said, "You're welcome."

Chu Mo took a few steps forward, but stopped again. He glanced at Chu Yuanzhou and said, "Why do I feel like you are watching a theater today?"

"Where is it?" Chu Yuanzhou raised his eyebrows and said, "I just don't want Qianqian to be sad. If there is no Qianqian, I think I would just be standing here today, and I would be throwing stones at people."

Hearing this, Chu Mo laughed and said, "My son is very straightforward."

"I've always been straightforward, but you haven't noticed." Chu Yuanzhou said with a smile in his eyes.

Chu Mo's eyes moved slightly and he said, "Your Majesty's words today seem to be expressing his position. You have maintained your neutrality for so many years, are you planning to make a move now?"

"Maybe it should be!" Chu Yuanzhou said with a smile: "Over the years, my temper has improved a lot. It seems that many people regard me as a docile cat and step on my bottom line several times. Even cats should be able to scratch people."

Chu Mo's eyes deepened and he said, "Who are you talking about?"

His voice suddenly became colder, and there was a chill in his eyes.

"Whoever King Ming thinks is whoever he thinks." Chu Yuanzhou winked at Chu Mo and said, "If you want to come, the emperor will also look for me, and have a good chat with King Ming when you have time."

(End of this chapter)

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