Chapter 1811 Unworthy
Yun Qian nodded slightly, agreeing with his statement, but then asked: "If that's the case, why do you spend so much effort to save Liu Ying?"

"When acting in the court, no matter what happens, you have to leave a few paths." Chu Yuanzhou raised his mouth slightly and said, "In case something unexpected happens to the queen in the future, I won't be so passive. Think about it All the killers she dispatched are dead, and Liu Ying's whereabouts are unknown. She will feel a little uneasy. I just want to tell her that there are some things that I want her to do. He can do it. If I don't want her to do it, She can't make it."

Yun Qian smiled slightly when she heard the words, but her eyes moved slightly, she looked at Chu Yuanzhou and said, "Then what about Yun Jingyan's death? Did you want him to die?"

Chu Yuanzhou touched his nose and said, "There is a little selfishness in it, so I didn't try my best."

Yun Qian was speechless when she heard the words, but he was very straightforward, and he spoke so clearly that she didn't know what to say.

After seeing her appearance, Chu Yuanzhou smiled lightly and said, "It's just that I didn't know that Liu Ying would poison your father. This is really a little unexpected. This was my carelessness. I apologize to you."

Yun Qian touched her nose with her hand. Yun Jingyan didn't feel any sadness in her heart when she died. She coughed lightly and said, "Everyone is dead, don't you think apologizing is useless?"

Chu Yuanzhou smiled slightly and said: "It is useless, but it shows my position. You will not have a father in the future. At worst, I will take care of you as a father-in-law and a father in the future, and promise to take care of you properly. "

Yunqian glanced at him sideways and said, "You should just be my husband-in-law, forget about my father, I don't have such a strong appetite, and I want to do the most intimate things with someone who is like my father."

"That's fine." Chu Yuanzhou stretched out his hand to gently wrap her waist and said, "Qianqian, when you got your mother-in-law out of Yunfu, didn't you just think that something would happen to Yun Jingyan? Something will happen to the government, but you can actually remind Yun Jingyan."

"Will he listen to my reminder?" Yun Qian said lightly: "Actually, the daughter he loves the most in his heart is Yun Yan, even during the time when he seemed to care about me, it was just Yun Yan. He thinks I'm useful, and then he's his daughter, so he can make good use of me. My refusal at that time, I'm afraid he was a little annoyed, and maybe he hated me a little bit. "

Chu Yuanzhou slightly raised his eyebrows and said, "Yun Jingyan is also top-notch."

"Yes." Yunqian sighed softly: "He is a mercenary and greedy person. He looked powerful before, but his fall was only a momentary thing. In the current Yunfu, Liu Ying was rescued by you. Although there are still a few aunts in the mansion, they are usually first-class masters in fighting, but when something like this happens, I'm afraid Zao Yi will be in a mess at this time."

"Do you want to go and see?" Chu Yuanzhou asked with a smile.

He smiled gently, but there was a touch of pity in his eyes. He had seen Yun Qian's situation before. She had suffered a lot in Yunfu before, and he felt a little regretful. If he had met her earlier, he would have married her early Entering the palace, she wouldn't suffer so much.

(End of this chapter)

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