Chapter 1813 Collecting His Body
Yunqian sighed after hearing this series of things in Chu Palace, whip the corpse?The emperor really figured it out!I'm afraid this matter also has another purpose, and it won't be as simple as it appears on the surface.

From Chu Yuanzhou's point of view, Yun Jingyan's body would be whipped, but there would be no funeral. At that time, Yun Jingyan's body would be collected and buried directly.

After Yun Jingyan was whipped, Yun Qian and Chu Yuanzhou went to collect his body together, but they didn't see the other children of Yunfu, only Yunluo and Yunfei.

Before Yun Qian left, she asked Mo Chou if she wanted to see Yun Jingyan. Mo Chou was stunned when she heard Yun Qian's words, and after thinking for a long time in the corridor, she said softly: "People walk like lights out. His past is not important anymore, it's just that he still has a youthful heroic appearance in my heart, I don't care if I don't see him like that."

Yunqian sighed softly when she heard Mochou say this, but she didn't persuade her, she quietly said: "Mother still remembers the time when you and father used to be."

"I remember." Mo Chou replied, "I forgot all about the time I was in Yunfu. I heard what happened to him in the past few days and thought about the current situation in Yunfu. For some reason, I Thinking back to how I met him for the first time, it seems that the grievances and grievances over the past few decades have faded away."

Yun Qian's eyes darkened a bit, Mo Chou's eyes were already dark, she glanced at Yun Qian and said, "Qian'er, I suddenly feel very selfish."

After she said this, tears rolled down, Yunqian was stunned for a moment, but she said in a low voice: "When you were young, I was afraid of Su Qiaohui, and I was poisoned by her chronically. Take me away from my side, but I don't even have the ability to resist. After you grew up, you detoxified me. Although I have always wanted to protect you, in the end, it was you who protected me all these years. I used to think that I hated Yun Jing said to the bone, I should be very happy when he died, but now that he is really dead, I can't be happy, I still feel very sad, but I don't even have the courage to look at his dead body."

When Yun Qian heard what Mo Chou said, she didn't know what to say, so she came with Chu Yuanzhou without any further persuasion.

Compared with three years ago, Yunluo has become much quieter. The eyes that were full of resignation before now only remain as quiet as an ancient well.

She was standing there in plain clothes, her hair had been cut off long ago, she was wearing a gray hat, and she was holding a string of Buddhist beads in her hand.

Yun Qian was a little surprised to see Yunluo like this. She saved Yunluo's life and sent her to the nunnery. She never expected that Yunluo could really stay in the nunnery quietly.

Although she doesn't look like a fairy at this time, she already has a kind of indifference and detachment that only monks can have. For some reason, Yun Qian feels relieved when she sees Yun Luo's appearance Not a lot.

Yunfei's appearance is no longer the arrogance and bookishness when Yunqian went to his room to find Dudu. His eye sockets are sunken, and his chin is covered with thick stubble. He looks mature all of a sudden. .

Yunluo and Yunfei nodded slightly to Yunqian as a greeting, and Yunqian also nodded slightly.

Yun Qian felt a little sad for Yun Jingyan. He had three sons and ten daughters. Except for Yun Chu who was dead, his favorite Yun Yan did not come.

(End of this chapter)

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