Chapter 1815 Only for vanity
A thin coffin and a big mud pit were Yun Jingyan's destination after death.

He was buried in the wasteland of a manor in the Yunfu property, surrounded by desolation, except for withered vines, old trees and crows, there was nothing else.

If Yun Jingyan knew that he would be treated like this after his death, he wondered if he would have tried his best to climb up when he was alive.

When Yun Jingyan was buried, because the location was relatively remote, a few more concubines and children of Yun Jingyan came, and Yun Qian saw the concubine Yunzhi and other young ladies.

They are almost 14 years old now, and they can be considered married, but now that the Yun Mansion has collapsed, they have nothing to rely on.

Yunqian didn't have any relationship with them at first, but each of them gave some money to let their aunt lead them to live a normal life. If they can live that kind of life with peace of mind, Yunqian will naturally find a good one for them. Her husband's family, at least for the rest of their lives, will have no worries about food and clothing.

Just when everyone was about to leave, Yun Yan came. Seeing Yun Yan's appearance, Yun Qian frowned slightly, but soon relaxed.

Today's Yun Yan no longer has the alluring appearance that she used to have. She has passed this year, but she looks a little old, and there are still a few fine lines around her eyes.

There was a cold brilliance in Yun Yan's eyes, no longer the enchanting charm of the past, but coldness and mockery. When she came over, she didn't say hello to anyone, and walked straight to Yun Jingyan's tomb. Neither offered incense nor knelt down, just stood there with a sneer.

Seeing her actions, Yun Qian had a faint mockery in her eyes. Yun Jingyan said that if he saw Yun Yan like this, if he still had breath, he would be pissed to death by her.

But Yunyan walked to the tomb and stood for a while, then swept away the paper money and incense burnt by everyone, and then swept the sacrifices to the ground.

Yunzheng said angrily, "What are you doing, big sister?"

"Didn't do anything." Yun Yan sneered and said, "A scum like him is not worthy of being a father. Besides thinking about his own affairs, why has he ever thought about our sisters? He only wants his wealth Ronghua, I only want his beauty, which one of us sisters is not being used by him as a stepping stone?"

Yunzheng felt that she had gone too far, but there was some truth in what she said. She had nothing to do with Yun Jingyan, a father.

But Yun Yan said again: "Back then, in order to consolidate his status, he had promised you to the idiot in Zheng Guogong's mansion, let it be ignored. After that idiot died, he even asked you to marry him as a living widow. Such behavior is simply a beast. Behavior, how can someone call him a father?"

Although Yun Qian never liked Yun Yan, she felt that Yun Yan's words made some sense.

Yunzheng was silent when she heard the words, Ye Wuchen reached out and squeezed her hand tightly, then shook her head lightly.

But Yun Yan said again: "When he promised me to Chu Mo, he only wanted Chu Mo to win the emperor's favor. He wanted to use his power to achieve a career, and even more wanted to be someone who has never been seen before or since. rulers of the

Yun Qian recalled the matter of Yun Yan marrying Chu Mo back then, and there was a bit of disdain in her eyes. Everyone here knew why Yun Yan married Chu Mo in the first place, and in her own heart, why didn't she have any vanity ?
(End of this chapter)

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