Chapter 1821
What Yunzheng said to Ye Wuchen before coming here, Ye Wuchen agreed, because it was what Yunzheng asked for.

But after coming here, Ye Wuchen felt nothing but nausea. These women in Yunfu really got the true teaching of Yun Jingyan, and they were more shameless than each other.

At this time, they all went to beg Yunqian, but because Yunqian's status was higher than Yunzheng at this time, and Ye Wuchen also helped Chu Mo before, after this incident, they felt that they were helping Chu Mo It might not end well, everyone came to beg Yunqian, but no one begged Yunzheng.

Seeing their appearance, Yunzheng felt chilled, so she took the initiative to say to Ye Wuchen, "Let's go back!"

Ye Wuchen responded lightly, and at this moment Yunzhi fell into Chu Yuanzhou's arms, and the corners of Ye Wuchen's mouth rose, it seemed that Chu Yuanzhou was really a master at provoking love, so he just stood there, Without doing anything, some women threw themselves into their arms.

Chu Yuanzhou is so sensitive, he already felt disgusted when Yunzhi winked at him just now, but now Yunzhi made such a pounce, he felt a little nauseous.

With a slight movement of his footsteps, he avoided his side. Yunzhi originally thought that this was the most voluptuous scene in the drama, and no man would refuse, so this pounce took a bit of effort Yes, when Chu Yuanzhou dodged like this, her body couldn't hold back for a while, so she threw herself heavily on the ground.

She didn't fall too hard this time, but she was very embarrassed, definitely the most typical wolf gnawing shit.

Yun Qian glanced at Chu Yuanzhou, but Chu Yuanzhou said with a smile: "This younger sister was so brave just now, but now she has become a soft-footed shrimp again. You need to practice more to become like this."

After all, Yunzhi is a woman who has not left the court, and when she heard his teasing words, her cheeks flushed immediately.

Seeing the actions of the two of them, Yunqian's eyes became more mocking. She originally wanted to give some money to each of them so that they could live a good life, but now it seems that she thought too much about them.

Yunzhi is really shameless, dare to seduce Chu Yuanzhou like this.

The corners of Chu Yuanzhou's mouth curled slightly, and he said with a smile: "Before you said that you were going to be Qianqian's maidservants, no matter how I thought about it, I felt something was wrong. You are Qianqian's younger sister, if you serve her by her side, If I'm seen by others again, I'm afraid I'll say no to Qianqian again, I just thought about it, and suddenly thought of a thing that is most suitable for my sister, and it will definitely not be seen by others."

"My lord, please tell me." Yun Zhi got up from the ground and said with a blushing face, "As long as your lord lets us go, we will definitely go."

"At first, I felt a little embarrassed, but you all said that, so I will say it directly. There are still a few women who can pour Yexiang in the Chu Palace. The younger sisters have such strong hands and feet, so they can move. "Chu Yuanzhou said very calmly.

After hearing what he said, Yunqian suffocated from laughing and became internally injured, pouring Yexiang?Thanks to Chu Yuanzhou who figured it out.

Yunzhi obviously couldn't react, she couldn't help but asked back: "Dao Yexiang?"

"Yes, pouring Yexiang." Chu Yuanzhou said very calmly: "You are so fierce, and you all have a stench on your body, pouring Yexiang is perfect."

There was a tear in Yunzhi's eyes, she is the young lady of the Yunfu, so she naturally knows how despicable the people in the mansion who dumped Yexiang are, so how can she do such a thing?

(End of this chapter)

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