Chapter 1826 is not confused
Chu Yuanzhou actually said something similar to the emperor before this, but the emperor just listened all the time. He felt that no matter whether the emperor believed it or not, he had to say it, and he didn't bother to care about the usefulness of what he said.

But he knew it was better to say something than not to say it.

What he said was a bit blatant. No one dared to say such a thing in front of the emperor. Even if he said it, the emperor would not believe it, but the emperor believed it when he said it.

When the Chu Palace was at its most prosperous, it can be said that it controlled more than half of the military power in the Great Zhou Dynasty. In addition, Chu Yuanzhou and the Chu King were both the most outstanding military generals. No one in Zhou could stop the father and son.

The emperor reprimanded lightly: "You are really outspoken, you dare to say anything."

Chu Yuanzhou pursed his lips and said: "The emperor is asking, if I don't tell the truth, will I be deceiving the emperor?"

The emperor smiled when he heard the words, and his gloominess dissipated a lot, he sighed softly and said: "I heard what you said, anyway, you bastard is not willing to be that one no matter what. An early bird. Forget it, I won’t ask any more. As for the matter of the crown prince, I actually don’t know much about it. In many cases, the establishment of a monarch is not the one with the most outstanding ability, but the one with the most virtuous virtue.”

"The emperor is wise." Chu Yuanzhou saluted lightly, flattering all courtiers.

Seeing his appearance, the emperor lightly waved his hands and said, "Stop playing those fake things in front of me, this time you have to thoroughly investigate the matter of Yun Jingyan."

"Didn't Yun Jingyan be convicted?" Chu Yuanzhou asked: "I see, I think it's better not to investigate this matter. If we continue to investigate, I'm afraid the result may not be what the emperor wants to see."

"You have said that the result may not be what I want to see, that is to say, you also think there is a problem with this matter." The emperor said quietly: "I was poisoned by someone before, and then played with like this, I just I'm sick, but I'm not sick, how can I allow those self-righteous people to play me like a fool in front of me?"

"I understand." Chu Yuanzhou said softly, "I will tell the emperor if there is any result."

The emperor nodded slightly and said: "I'm a little tired, you go down! You investigate this matter, I don't want to alarm anyone, I just want a result."

Chu Yuanzhou responded, feeling in his heart that the emperor was getting older and his temper was becoming colder and colder. Even though he had expected the things around him, he was afraid of the result.

He suddenly felt that the emperor was very pitiful, but not worthy of sympathy.

Suspicious people are usually a little hesitant. In fact, the current situation is largely created by the emperor. If the emperor had established the crown prince early, these things would not have happened today.

But even if things were like this, the emperor was still hesitating, and sooner or later something big would happen if this went on.

It's just that Chu Yuanzhou felt that the emperor's indecision was not a bad thing, at least it would make the emperor have many other guesses in his heart, and Chu Yi's chances would be greater.

When Chu Yuanzhou walked to the door of the emperor's bedroom, he met Chu Mo again. Chu Yuanzhou slightly raised his eyebrows and said, "Duke Ming also came to see the emperor for something?"

(End of this chapter)

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