Chapter 1853 Millions of Food and Grass
Yu Xing suppressed his anger, and hurriedly said: "If you go back to the emperor, this matter is a bit of a misunderstanding. The matter is not what the prince saw. The idiot's temper is irritable. She hit me first. I really can't stand it." I just fought back. Maybe it was a bit harsh when I fought back, I will definitely apologize to her after I go back, and I will never dare to do it again!"

He also had a deeper understanding of Chu Yuanzhou's methods in his heart, and his heart was full of anger. It was the first time he was beaten when he grew up so old, and he had to be grateful to him in front of others.

The emperor had heard about Chu Tianyu's fierce reputation for a long time, and he knew that Yu Xing's words were probably true, but in this way, the Chu Palace and the Pingnanhou Palace would be tied up. Such a thing is what the Emperor would like to see .

The emperor immediately said: "I think Yuan Zhou's words are reasonable, but Prince Pingnan is not at fault. If so, it would be inappropriate to remove him from the position of prince. But punishment must be punished, so good Already, I will punish the Pingnanhou Mansion to send another one million dans of grain and grass, and send it to Beijing immediately without any delay!"

Hearing this, Yu Xing was so angry that he vomited blood. The Pingnan Marquis Mansion had sent 100 million dans of grain and grass to Beijing earlier, if he sent another 100 million dans of grain and grass to Beijing, then the Pingnan Marquis Mansion would no longer have any reserves.

It's just that the emperor had already spoken, but he had no choice but to agree, so he gritted his teeth and said, "Zunyi!"

The emperor was very satisfied with the result. He waved his hand and let Yu Xing retreat, leaving Chu Yuanzhou to continue discussing state affairs.

The more Yu Xing thought about it, the more he felt extremely sad. It was not good for him to offend anyone, but Chu Yuanzhou, the evil star. After such a toss, he was beaten in vain, and he had to give away 100 million dan of food and grass.

This matter will definitely be reported to Pingnan. Once Pingnanhou knows the news, he will be scolded.

After Yu Xing and Chu Yuanzhou left, Chu Tianyu pulled herself together and asked the maid beside her to help her up, and then asked someone to hire a carriage and left the post station directly.

Chu Tianyu stopped in front of a very ordinary house. The guard at the door stopped her. She was wearing a gauze cap on her head. The guard couldn't see her clearly, so she stretched out her hand and slapped the guard and said: "I am the concubine of the Pingnan Hou Mansion, you dare to stop me?"

The guards stayed in the palace for a few years, and they also knew that the concubine of Pingnan Houfu was the daughter of King Chu, and also knew her temperament, so they took a step back and let her in.

As soon as Chu Tianyu walked in, she smelled a very strong smell of traditional Chinese medicine. At this time, she was in severe pain, but she didn't care much, and hurriedly ran towards the house with big strides.

She went directly to the main house, and the smell of medicine became stronger after entering.

A tall and thick maid came over and asked, "Who are you?"

Chu Tianyu didn't bother to pay attention to her, pulled her away and walked in directly. As soon as she entered, she saw a woman half lying on the bed, the light in the room was a bit dim, but she could still see that the woman was extremely thin, The not-so-big face is even more pointed.

Chu Tianqi coughed lightly and turned around slightly, glanced at Chu Tianyu with a gleam in her eyes and said, "Did my father send you to pick me up and go back to the mansion? Is it ready to marry the fourth prince?"

There was a gleam of joy in her eyes.

Chu Tianyu felt relieved when she heard the words, she hadn't seen Chu Tianqi for several years.

(End of this chapter)

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