Chapter 1855 Change the status quo
Chu Tianqi's eyes darkened a bit and said: "Sister, what do you mean? Could it be that you want me to climb into the fourth prince's bed? Even if we have this idea, he is also in the clan mansion. I can't get in."

Chu Tianyu's eyes dimmed a bit, and Chu Tianqi asked again: "Sister, why didn't you go to find your father when Yu Xing treated you like this?"

"Don't mention that old thing!" Chu Tianyu said angrily: "He is not worthy to be our father!"

Chu Tianqi was slightly surprised: "Sister, what happened?"

Chu Tianyu gritted his teeth, with strong anger in his eyes, and said word by word: "Now he only has that bitch Bai Jingshu in his eyes, and he has completely forgotten about our mother!"

There was a heavy wound in Chu Tianqi's eyes, and the scene of Lu Zhu's death reappeared in front of her eyes, she felt a little uncomfortable in her heart, and couldn't help coughing lightly.

Chu Tianyu said slowly again: "My mother has only passed away for three years, and my father has completely forgotten about her. There will be no more ruthless man in this world than him!"

Chu Tianqi's eyes closed slightly, but she saw the way Chutian stabbed the sword into Lu Zhu's chest and then drew it. In an instant, blood gushed out from Lu Zhu's chest, staining her eyes red.

Her heart skipped a beat, and she was about to open her eyes. The room was very dark, only a ray of sunlight came in through the window lattice.

She lived in Chu Palace for a short time before, but she felt very warm. She lived in Chu Palace for a long time in the past few years, because without Lu Zhu's care, she felt that she grew up overnight.

But these years, she has been living in fear, always worrying that Yun Qian and Princess Chu will come to harm her. Even though Yun Qian and Princess Chu have not done anything to harm her these years, she is still afraid in her heart.

The mighty Chu Palace, the enviable Chu Palace, seemed extremely cold to her, without any emotion.

Her heart had become icy long after Lu Zhu's death, even her gaze to see the world was cold, she had no family ties, and no thought of love.

She also asked why her life was so miserable in front of the Buddha, but the Buddha didn't say anything, the world was still cold and couldn't warm her heart.The sunlight outside the house was very bright, but it couldn't shine into her heart.

So she planned to harm Yunqian that day, but she didn't expect that Yunqian, who had never made a move, would completely destroy her.

Even though she hated Yunqian in her heart, she felt that this might be the retribution in the Buddhist scriptures, but she couldn't understand why Yunqian didn't have any retribution for killing Lu Zhu?Could it be that Lu Zhu's death was just Lu Zhu's retribution?

These days, Chu Tianqi has been unable to understand these things. Her weak body and sick body made her temper more irritable, but because of her irritable temper, she scolded the girls around her. Huan, that maid became more and more unkind to her because of her swearing, and became more and more lazy in doing things.

These days, I thought that Chu Tianqi would find it difficult to eat normally, not to mention taking medicine.

Chu Tianqi originally had some extravagant hopes that the day the King of Chu said that he drove her out of the Chu Palace just because he was angry for a while, and came to pick her up when his anger subsided.

(End of this chapter)

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