Chapter 1857 I rely on you
What Chu Tianqi said was relatively objective, but Chu Tianyu couldn't listen to these words.

Chu Tianyu gave Chu Tianqi a blank look and said: "You are really worthless, you can only say these depressing words, why don't you want to think of a way? Could it be that we have been harmed by others, so we can't just hold back this tone? "

Chu Tianqi's heart trembled when she heard the words, and there was a touch of helplessness in her eyes, remembering that she felt that she couldn't bear that tone before, in exchange for the pain now.

She asked softly: "Is there any good idea for my sister?"

"I didn't quite understand why Yu Xing said you couldn't marry the Fourth Prince, but what you said just now made me understand. It must be Yun Qian who asked Chu Yuanzhou to trip you up, making you unable to marry the Fourth Prince. Sister, we can't just accept our fate like this, we must do something to prevent them from bullying us like this! We must let them know that we are not easy to mess with!" Chu Tianqi gritted her teeth.

Chu Tianqi knew much more about Yunqian's means than Chu Tianyu, and she was far less optimistic than Chu Tianqi at this time, so she sighed softly and said, "Sister, I think it's better to forget it, you Now that you can still leave here, why don't you go and persuade Father King, and beg him well, maybe it can change the situation of our two sisters."

"I won't beg that old man." Chu Tianyu was angry when he thought of King Chu, how could King Chu drive her out like that?How embarrassing!
Chu Tianqi sighed softly when she heard Chu Tianyu's words.

But Chu Tianyu blinked lightly and said: "Sister, in fact, it is entirely up to you to change the situation in front of us. As long as you can marry the Fourth Prince, how can anyone look down on us?"

Chu Tianqi's eyes deepened, Chu Tianyu was unwilling to ask the King of Chu, and she also felt that the method Chu Tianyu said was her only way, but how easy is it to achieve this level?

Chu Tianyu seemed to have guessed what she was thinking, and immediately said softly: "You don't have to worry about this matter, I have my own arrangements, but I may have to wrong my sister, but you and the fourth prince are originally husband and wife, and it would be better if you performed the ceremony of husband and wife earlier. there is nothing."

Chu Tianqi blushed, thinking of the doctor's diagnosis of her before, she felt great hatred in her heart. It is absolutely impossible for a virgin to be pregnant, it must be Yun Qian's tricks.

And as soon as this matter came out, she also knew that no one would believe her.

Originally, her marriage with Chu Shu was just an expedient measure in her heart, but she didn't expect it to be the straw to save her life now.

She nodded slightly and said: "If my sister has a way to let me go out from here, and let me enter the clan mansion and the fourth prince..."

After all, she is a big girl with yellow flowers, and she can't say those explicit words after all. After a slight pause, she said: "I will definitely let the fourth prince marry me!"

Chu Tianyu nodded slightly and said: "Very good, sister, I will rely on you from now on!"

Chu Tianqi glanced at Chu Tianyu, but felt a little dazed in her heart, but she became extremely determined when she thought that she had no way out now.

Half an hour later, Chu Tianyu left the house with Chu Tianqi. Chu Tianqi originally came in with two maids, but at this time one maid was left in the house, and Chu Tianqi replaced it with a maid. The clothes of the maid beside her, with her head slightly lowered, followed closely behind Chu Tianyu.

(End of this chapter)

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