Chapter 186 Thoughts of the King of Chu

"That's not true." Mother Sun replied: "But my wife is your mother and your elder. She made a wish for you. Now that the wish has come true, you have to pay it back like this, otherwise the Buddha will blame you. , I will feel that you are not sincere, and I am afraid that there will be disasters in the future."

Yun Qian said solemnly: "Mother Sun's words are wrong. According to the Buddhist scriptures, all living beings are equal. Although my mother is my elder, she is the same as me in front of the Buddha. The same is true for making a wish and fulfilling a wish. Mama Sun just said When my mother made a wish, she didn't kneel down three times and buckle nine times, but now I need to kneel down and buckle nine times. I have to leave an unkind impression in my eyes, and it will not be very good for my mother."

Mother Sun didn't know how to answer when she heard the words.

Yunqian turned her head to Huanyu and said, "Let's go, it will be bad if you miss the time to fulfill your wish."

Yun Jingyan was already the Prime Minister of a country, and Yun Qian was traveling with many maids and women by her side. People around were guessing which rich family's lady was traveling again.

Behind Yunqian, there was a black carriage parked, and the King of Chu asked, "Which lady from Yunfu is the lady who spoke just now?"

The attendant beside him replied: "If you go back to the lord, it is the Fifth Miss of the Yunfu."

King Chu's eyebrows moved slightly. What Yunqian said to Sun's mother was very interesting to him just now. This Yunqian was also interesting when he was not crazy. No wonder that bastard Yuan Zhou treated her Never forget.

It's just that he doesn't have a good impression of a articulate woman like Yunqian, and he also wants to see what kind of woman she is.

His eyes deepened and he said: "Follow me up the mountain."

The entourage was a little surprised and said: "Didn't the prince just come down from the mountain? What are you doing up the mountain now?"

The King of Chu said coldly, "Why do you ask so many questions?"

The attendant didn't dare to ask any more questions, so he had to follow the king of Chu up the mountain again.

Baolai Temple is built on Baolai Mountain. Although Baolai Mountain is not very high, it takes more than half an hour to walk from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain. Yun Qian's body is too short. It hurts the root, and it is not easy to raise it now.

She has only climbed halfway up the mountain and she is already very tired. If she kneels and buckles up the mountain according to Mama Sun's instructions, she may be killed just after climbing the mountain. This Su Qiaohui is really cruel.

Panting heavily, Yun Qian finally climbed up. She sat in front of the Buddhist hall and adjusted her breath for a while before entering the main hall. A young novice from Baolai Temple received her, and he led Yun Qian to the hand washing station first. She cleaned her hands first, and then led her to kowtow to the Buddha and light incense.

After Yun Qian finished all the things according to the rules, the little novice said again: "The benefactor, please rest in the side room. The abbot said that today is only the first time to fulfill the vow, and there are two days to come. It takes two full days to recite the scriptures." Make a wish to the Buddha."

Yun Qian frowned when she heard the words: "It's just a wish, how could it be so complicated?"

The little novice said strangely: "Mrs. Yun sent someone to the temple to report a letter earlier, saying that the benefactor is in good health, and he must fulfill his vows. Please make arrangements with the abbot. It is not necessary for the benefactor to perform rituals in the temple for three days. Don't the benefactor know about this?"

(End of this chapter)

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