Chapter 1861
Chu Shu naturally knew the content of the sacred note, his face was extremely ugly, but he also knew that he had no ability to resist at this time, as long as he resisted, the emperor would be even more furious, and he might really die for the rest of his life. Don't even think about leaving the clan mansion.

He gritted his teeth and said, "My son accepts it."

Chu Shu was wrapped in a quilt and pulled Chu Tianqi to kneel on the ground. Chu Tianqi was still a little dazed, and the eunuch began to read: "By God, the emperor ordered: the fourth prince Chu Shu has vicious thoughts and ulterior motives, and has designed to frame the eldest prince several times." Chu Yuan, his methods completely disregarded brotherhood, I am extremely disappointed! Chu Shu was removed from the royal family, demoted to a commoner, and finally imprisoned in the clan mansion!"

Chu Shu knew that the emperor wanted to imprison him in the clan mansion, but he did not expect that the emperor would remove him from the royal family!

This punishment is much heavier than he expected!
Chu Shu said angrily: "Impossible, father can't treat me like this!"

The eunuch glanced at him and said: "This is the emperor's will, the fourth prince, offended!"

The head eunuch waved his hand, and the guards waiting outside rushed in and stretched out their hands to pull him.

Chu Shu didn't even put on his clothes at this time. He had martial arts skills, and at this moment, he was furious. He raised his palm and flew towards the guard who bullied him, and then ran out very quickly.

Chu Shu knew that once the emperor made such an intention, he would never have another chance for the throne. In this case, he might as well find a way to leave here first, or be locked up in the clan mansion for the rest of his life!
When he thought about it, he didn't care that he was not dressed, so he ran out very quickly.

But as soon as he ran out, he felt a strong force hit him, and a foot kicked him hard in the chest. He couldn't avoid it, and his body fell back heavily, crushing the table to pieces.

A mouthful of blood spat out from his mouth. He was completely naked at this moment, and he didn't look like a prince. His appearance was similar to any naked man in the market.

Chu Shu said angrily: "Chu Yuanzhou, you are so brave, how dare you hit me!"

Chu Yuanzhou felt that he was just a vengeful man. As early as three years ago when Chu Shu made Yunqian's idea, he wanted to deal with Chu Shu. It's not good to overdo it.

Chu Yuanzhou felt that he had been holding back this breath for many years, and now he was finally able to vent normally, and he felt extremely happy in his heart.

Chu Yuanzhou's eyes slanted slightly, his eyebrows raised lightly again, and then he said unhurriedly: "I'm not very courageous, but it's normal to hit you. You are no longer a member of the royal family. Do you want to display the prince's score in front of me?"

Chu Shu was slightly stunned. Thinking of his current status, he suddenly felt a little dark. He was no longer the prince, but Chu Yuanzhou was still the heir of the Chu Palace at this time, and he was still a celebrity around the emperor. Unwilling!The emperor is his biological father, how could he treat him like this?

Chu Shu gritted his teeth and said: "Even if the father has prejudice against me at this time, I am his biological son after all! When he figured it out, he will definitely let me return to the royal family, Chu Yuanzhou, I will come to you!" Time will make you look good!"

There is too much unwillingness in his heart, he thinks he has great ambitions, and he still has a lot of things to do, he doesn't want to be locked up in this dark place for the rest of his life!
(End of this chapter)

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