Chapter 1863
At this time, Chu Shu realized belatedly that Chu Yuanzhou had already been the chief assistant of a country, and most of the country's major affairs had to go through Chu Yuanzhou's hands. This clan mansion was said to be managed by the emperor himself. But the people below are afraid that they all obey Chu Yuanzhou's orders.

At this time, Chu Shu's forehead was dripping with sweat, and he felt a little unwilling, and wanted to escape, but he only had one move with Chu Yuanzhou, and he knew that he was not Chu Yuanshao's opponent. There is no way for him to escape.

Chu Shu's eyes dimmed, but he also knew that even if Chu Yuanzhou was not there, the entire clan mansion was heavily guarded, and it would not be easy for him to escape.

But no matter what, as long as Chu Yuanzhou is not around, the chances are much greater.

Chu Shu gritted his teeth and swallowed the disgusting mouthful abruptly.

Chu Yuanzhou saw Chu Shu's thoughts at a glance, and said with a slight smile, "Bring the fourth prince's clothes. I will dress the fourth prince myself. Repaying grievances with virtue has always been my style."

If Yunqian heard his words from the sidelines, she would probably burst out laughing. Repaying grievances with kindness has never had anything to do with Chu Yuanzhou, so he said it very naturally.

Chu Shu naturally wouldn't believe Chu Yuanzhou's words. He just wanted to say that I can wear my own clothes, but Chu Yuanzhou had brought the clothes in front of him, and then covered Chu Shu's body with a wave of his hand.

Chu Yuanzhou's fingers slid across Chu Shu's body very quickly, Chu Shu only felt extremely uncomfortable, and suddenly felt weak in his hands and feet.

But Chu Yuanzhou turned his head and said to the eunuch behind him: "Eunuch Lao, take the fourth prince to the cellar to cool off first!"

The eunuch was originally a human being, and he had already seen that Chu Yuanzhou didn't like Chu Shu, so he immediately said: "Your Majesty, you are welcome, what a slave should do here, Fourth Prince, please!"

Even if Chu Shu knew that Chu Yuanzhou had tampered with him, there was nothing he could do at this moment. In the clan mansion, Chu Yuanzhou only covered the sky with his hands, and whatever he said was what he said, even if Chu Shu hated him to the extreme , and there was nothing he could do, so the eunuchs had to drag him down too.

Chu Yuanzhou gave Chu Shu a cold look, his eyes were full of chills, and he will make a special confession later, which will definitely make Chu Shu's life in the clan's mansion more beautiful and colorful.

Chu Shu, that bastard, dared to make Yun Qian's idea, he would definitely make Chu Shu pay back a hundredfold.

Chu Tianqi was terrified by the accident in front of her. Originally, she wanted to rely on Chu Shu to escape from the Prince Chu's mansion and live a happy life that belonged to her, but a holy rite in front of her completely shattered her dream.

She bit her lip lightly, feeling a little scared in her heart. She was worried that Chu Yuanzhou would ruin her marriage with Chu Shu, but she didn't expect that Chu Yuanzhou's ability was much greater than she expected. Suddenly, Chu Shu was lifted from the prince's position.

She was startled and frightened in her heart, seeing how Chu Yuanzhou dealt with Chu Shu, she suddenly felt that her elder brother was really too scary.

She looked at Chu Yuanzhou with wide open eyes, and Chu Yuanzhou also turned to look at her. Chu Yuanzhou's gaze was too cold, and she unconsciously took a big step back.

Chu Yuanzhou snorted coldly, didn't speak, and wanted to leave without lifting his foot.

Chu Tianqi knew that this might be her only chance to beg Chu Yuanzhou, she gritted her teeth and called out loudly: "Brother!"

(End of this chapter)

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