Chapter 1884 Misfortune Comes Out of Your Mouth
Nangong Wushuang sighed for a long time and said: "Qianqian, in fact, I was a little happy when I came here just now, but after thinking about these things, I feel a little bored."

Yun Qian smiled when she heard the words, but didn't speak, Nangong Wushuang moved closer to Yun Qian and said, "Actually, I think you are more suitable to be a queen than me."

Yunqian frowned, but Nangong Wushuang said again: "Nowadays, all the power in the court is in the hands of the prince, and there are some important powers in the Chu palace. If the prince really has such thoughts, I think the prince will be the emperor." Not bad."

Yun Qian immediately lowered her face when she heard the words, and said sharply, "Wu Shuang, what nonsense are you talking about?"

Nangong Wushuang saw that her face changed drastically, and she also knew that she had said something wrong today, she said softly: "Qianqian, don't be angry, I just have a little selfishness, if the prince doesn't become the emperor, I think that right now It's a good day."

"Wushuang, you must never say these words to other people in the future." Yunqian said with an extremely solemn expression: "The prince has never thought about the throne, and the Chu Palace has never had such thoughts. The prince and Jing The king was originally his best friend, and the son originally didn't like to get involved in the affairs of the court. The reason why he has these managements over the years is for Prince Jing. You have been married to Prince Jing for so many years. Can't you understand?"

"I understand in my heart." Nangong Wushuang said softly: "I just have some selfishness. For men, most of them like to make contributions and achieve a great career. It is the wish of all princes to rule the world, but these are not My wish. Qianqian, I have no other intentions, please don't get me wrong."

Yun Qian knew that Nangong Wushuang didn't have such an idea, but now that the situation in Beijing is changing, and many times the misfortune comes out of her mouth, she has to be more careful.

She softly said to Nangong Wushuang: "Wushuang, I know what's on your mind. It's just that now, I just want to say to you, if you want to stay by Prince Jing's side, then no matter how much you hate those red tapes, you just I'm afraid you need to find a way to deal with it and get used to it. Even if Prince Jing doesn't become the emperor, he's still a prince, and you're also a princess, and you can't spend your entire life like this in the palace."

This time, Nangong Wushuang heard what Yunqian hadn't said. She knew that Yunqian was saying that because she had stayed in the palace for these years and hadn't had much contact with the family members of other ministers in the court, she had been said three times in Beijing. Road four.

In the past, she and Chu Yi were a couple in name only, and others would make irresponsible remarks. If she wants to be a real couple with Chu Yi, naturally, people can no longer make irresponsible remarks , she also needs to learn etiquette, and also needs to learn how to deal with those noble ladies in Beijing.

Nangong Wushuang bit her lip lightly and said, "Qianqian, I understand."

Yun Qian saw that her eyes no longer had the brilliance she had just now, and she felt that she might have frightened Nangong Wushuang, so she said softly: "Wu Shuang, sometimes it takes courage to love someone, if you think that Prince Jing If you are worthy of your love, then you should love bravely. People living in this world often don’t just live for themselves.”

(End of this chapter)

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