Chapter 1888 is not seriously ill
Chu Han's eyes deepened, and there was a hint of complexity in his eyes. He said softly: "I know that my third brother has great ambitions and is unwilling to be inferior to others. My eldest brother has no talent or virtue, and is far inferior to you in terms of ability." , in my heart, I also think that it is a perfect thing for the third brother to ascend to the extreme position. It's just that I heard a rumor recently..."

After a slight pause, he said, "I don't know if third brother has anything to do with that rumor."

"What rumor?" Chu Mo asked.

Chu Han's eyes flickered slightly, and after pondering for a while, he said: "I heard that the father is not seriously ill, but was poisoned."

There was a hint of complexity in Chu Mo's eyes, but Chu Han said again: "In other words, there are people who want the emperor to die."

After he finished speaking, he looked straight at Chu Mo. Chu Mo's eyes moved slightly, but he asked, "What do you mean by asking me like that?"

"No other meaning." Chu Han said slowly, "I just want to know if the third brother did this."

Chu Mo knew that although Chu Han had always stood by his side and the emperor had severely punished him, Chu Han was also a filial person, and he actually cared very much about the ethics of the monarch and his ministers.

And if he poisoned the emperor, to put it more bluntly, he would kill the king and father. This is a heinous thing, and it is not something Chu Han can accept.

Chu Mo frowned and said, "What nonsense are you talking about? Father is our father, how could I do such a thing to him?"

When he was talking, Chu Han kept staring at him with wide eyes. When he heard his words, his eyes deepened, but he breathed a sigh of relief: "I knew this was impossible. It was made by the third brother."

Chu Mo sighed lightly and said, "You think too much."

Chu Han smiled and said, "I came here today just to ask my third brother this question. In my heart, my third brother is my closest relative and my most respected elder brother."

"Seventh brother, it's all because of third brother's fault that you have been wronged." Chu Mo said softly.

"Third brother doesn't need to talk about this." Chu Han smiled and said, "I'm willing to do these things. As long as third brother is doing well, I believe I will be doing well."

After hearing his words, Chu Mo couldn't help but softly said: "After all, I made you suffer so much..."

Chu Han smiled and said, "I'm free now. Third brother can take care of himself. I can't help you anymore."

Seeing his smile, Chu Mo felt sore, reached out and patted Chu Han lightly, but did not speak again.

When Chu Han left Prince Ming's Mansion, he threw the wine jar in his hand on the ground, and the wine jar fell to pieces immediately after being thrown on the ground.

Chu Han turned his head and glanced at the tall lintel of Chu Palace. For some reason, he felt a little sad in his heart. Two lines of tears flowed down from the corner of his eyes. When he realized that there were tears rolling down, he stretched out his hand. Wiping away the teardrops, he turned his head and left.

Originally, he was going to be imprisoned in the clan mansion, but after the emperor became seriously ill, his heart softened. He remembered that he would go to the border soon, and he might never come back after this trip, so he was allowed to stay in Beijing for a while. One month, this month, became a punishment for him.

But Chu Han knew that the emperor had other intentions for letting him stay in Beijing for another month.

(End of this chapter)

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