Chapter 1892
Yun Qian saw that Chu Han's eyes were a little displeased, she immediately smiled and said: "For me, I just think that if the Seventh Prince will stay at the border in the future, I will always feel a little bit unfair for the Seventh Prince when I think of this matter, but This road was chosen by the Seventh Prince himself. Before choosing this road, he thought about it and made many considerations. Yun Qian did not dare to say that the Seventh Prince made a wrong choice, but felt that the Seventh Prince could think more about this road. , After thinking about it, maybe there will be other ideas.”

Hearing this, Chu Han had a strange color in his eyes, and the last breath of alcohol was gone. He glanced at Yun Qian in a complicated way, but then snorted coldly: "Concubine Shizi Are you being too smart?"

Yun Qian said softly: "If the Seventh Prince thinks this way, then just treat Yun Qian as troublesome, and the Seventh Prince should also pretend that he has never been to Chu Palace!"

After she said that, she stretched out her hand, meaning to take the bag of scented tea back.

Unexpectedly, Chu Han said: "I came here as soon as I came, how can I pretend that I haven't been here? You can really talk nonsense."

After he finished speaking, he took the bag of scented tea and walked out. Seeing him, Yunqian raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and there was a faint smile in his eyes, but he didn't stop him again. He sent it out.

It was only when Chu Han walked to the door of King Chu's Mansion that he suddenly realized that Yun Qian did not bring him to King Chu's Mansion to avoid suspicion, but to give him the bag of tea.

Chu Han glanced at the tea leaves in his hand, and felt a little complicated. He had indeed seen the flowers in the scented tea in the emperor's bedroom.

That flower was sent from DJI, a place in Dazheng. At that time, only ten pots of that kind of flower were sent over. The emperor gave two pots to the Chu Palace. There were two pots left in the bedroom. It is said that the emperor did not want to keep those two pots of flowers, but Concubine De liked it, so the emperor left those two pots of flowers in the bedroom.

The reason why Chu Han knew these things was because the two potted flowers bloomed very special. At that time, there were other concubines in the harem who wanted them, and he happened to see them arguing at that time.

Thinking of this, his eyes deepened, and he sighed softly.
But suddenly it seemed that Concubine De's natal family was in Southern Xinjiang, Chu Han felt something was wrong, he bit his lip, didn't speak any more, but went directly to Jingzhong's doctor's home with the bag of flowers.

Princess Chu had been watching Yun Qian from the sidelines, and after seeing Chu Han leave, she asked softly, "Qian'er, what's going on?"

Yun Qian said softly: "I was just thinking about one thing. If Chu Han told the truth about his assassination of Chu Shu in front of the emperor, I wonder if the emperor would treat Chu Mo the same as he did to Chu Shu."

Princess Chu was slightly startled and said, "How about this matter?"

Yun Qian roughly talked about the matter between Chu Shu and Chu Han, and when it came to the matter between Chu Mo and Chu Han, she said softly: "Although Chu Mo and Chu Han seem to be brothers, , That's why Chu Han will take care of everything for Chu Mo, but if Chu Han knows that Chu Mo has a big conspiracy and acts extremely vicious, I don't know if there will be some changes."

Princess Chu was a little terrified when she heard these things. She was extremely smart, so she said softly: "You mean..."

When she said this, her tone paused, but Yun Qian nodded slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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