Chapter 1897 Chu Mo's Calculation
Eunuch Zhu said in a low voice: "Although Bai Luo is just a businessman, he has a high prestige among the people. He has invested in the construction of many roads and schools, and provided great convenience to many common people. Every time there is a natural disaster , he was the first to donate silver, and the amount of silver he donated was quite a lot.”

The emperor's eyes deepened, and Eunuch Zhu said softly again: "This time the news of his arrest spread, and many people in Beijing went to the Ministry of Punishment to petition him, saying that it was impossible for him to do such a thing."

The emperor still didn't speak. Seeing that the emperor didn't speak, Eunuch Zhu knew that he could only say so much. If he said too much, it would only cause harm.

The emperor pondered for a while, and when he was about to speak again, a servant came in and said, "Your Majesty, Prince Ming is asking to see you outside."

When the emperor heard that Chu Mo was coming, his eyes turned cold and he said, "What time is it?"

"If you go back to the emperor, it's just after you." The servant replied softly.

The emperor said coldly: "I remember that once the time of You is over, the key will be released at the palace gate. Why is he still in the palace?"

"My slave heard that King Ming was worried about the Emperor's health and stayed in the palace tonight, and somehow he heard that the Emperor woke up, so he wanted to see the Emperor." The servant said softly.

The emperor's face, which was not very good at first, suddenly became even uglier. He sneered and said, "He has a heart. I just have something to ask him, let him in."

The emperor's health was not very good, and he was slightly out of breath after talking so much at this time. After Chu Mo came in, he made a big salute to the emperor: "My son, I wish my father a good health and a speedy recovery, my father If I don't wake up again, I'm afraid my Da Zhou's country will change hands!"

The emperor narrowed his eyes slightly when he heard Chu Mo's words, but said unhurriedly, "How do you say it?"

Chu Mo lay on the ground and said: "During the period when the father was in a coma, Chu Yuanzhou, the son of the king of Chu, controlled the government and ran alone, and the ministers of the court were miserable. He also teamed up with the richest man Bai Luo to form a party in Chenzhou for personal gain and hoard rice. Raise the price of grain, and let the people of Chenzhou live in poverty!"

What he said was just and righteous, and it seemed extremely painful.

If the emperor didn't hear what Eunuch Zhu said when he woke up, he would be so angry that he would vomit blood when he heard Chu Mo's words, but because he had heard what Eunuch Zhu said, he was extremely calm at this moment.

He just said lightly: "Really?"

Chu Mo was startled when he heard his words, and hurriedly said: "Chu Yuanzhou said something in front of the father, don't you? Father, don't listen to his nonsense, he is just a wolf with ambition!"

Chu Mo thought about everything carefully during these days and felt that if he wanted to get the throne, it would be better to destroy the Chu Palace directly than to win over the Chu Palace all the time.

This time the emperor asked Chu Yuanzhou to supervise the country, although it seemed that Chu Yuanzhou's strength was greatly increased and Chu Yuanzhou was allowed to control the government, but in fact this matter was a double-edged sword.

It was only after Chu Mo saw through these things that he would attack Bai Luo, because from Chu Mo's point of view, the Prince Chu's mansion was really airtight, he had no chance at all, and only Bai Luo was the breakthrough.

He knew that only by confirming Bai Luo's crimes could he deal a substantial blow to Chu Palace. Chu Yuanzhou and Bai Luo had always had a good relationship, so he could drag Chu Yuanzhou into the water.

(End of this chapter)

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