Chapter 1899 Don't Believe Him
The emperor snorted unhappily in his heart: "Recently, it is true that many people are looking forward to my death!"

The emperor's words shocked Chu Mo's heart, and he hurriedly said: "Everyone is looking forward to Father's good health and to clean up the government affairs as soon as possible, so how can they have such thoughts."

Although he was a little scared in his heart, he was no longer as scared as before.

The emperor saw a hint of viciousness in his eyes, and his heart was suddenly as cold as ice. He knew that Chu Mo was a cold-blooded person many years ago, but the previous performance was not as obvious as it is now, and this is why the emperor has always been unwilling. The fundamental reason why the throne was passed on to Chu Mo.

There was a chill in the emperor's eyes, but he said unhurriedly: "That's right."

The emperor's attitude made Chu Mo feel more uneasy, but he also knew that Chu Yuanzhou's eloquence was amazing and he was good at talking nonsense. In addition, what happened this time was originally designed by him, and it would only take a long time to make it happen. I'm afraid something will happen.

So Chu Mo said again: "Bai Luo is Chu Yuanzhou's cousin, and when Chu Yuanzhou comes, he will definitely get rid of Bai Luo's crimes in every possible way. As for this matter, I have just told my father to listen to it. I also ask Father to make a decision as soon as possible, and we must not let Chu Yuanzhou continue to grow, otherwise, I am afraid that Erchen and other brothers will be persecuted to death by him in the future!"

The emperor glanced at Chu Mo and said: "Among your children, some only have power, and they say they care about me, but in the end, you only think of yourself, Mo'er, you have let me down so much!"

Chu Mo's eyes moved slightly, and his heart became irritable. He looked at the emperor and said, "Father, do you trust outsiders and not your own son?"

The emperor's anger surged, and he said angrily: "I don't care whether you are my son or Chu Yuanzhou is my nephew, I only know the truth of the matter, how dare you say that Niu Yuanzhi has nothing to do with you? "

Chu Mo didn't expect the emperor to say Niu Yuanzhi's name as soon as he opened his mouth. He was stunned for a moment, knowing that the emperor might be very clear about Bai Luo's affairs, so he looked up at the emperor and said, "Father, My son came here today just to ask for an explanation, and what happened to Niu Yuanzhi was probably what Chu Yuanzhou told Father, how could Father believe Chu Yuanzhou's words, he is simply exonerating himself!"

The emperor was very angry and said: "He got rid of the crime for himself, what about you?"

Chu Mo looked at the emperor and said, "I just don't want my father's country to fall into the hands of outsiders."

"Even if the country falls into the hands of Chu Yuanzhou, it is better than falling into your hands." The emperor's anger surged in his heart: "Your thoughts really chill my heart. He is also a member of the royal family and has no Wrong place!"

After saying this, the emperor gasped for breath, and Eunuch Zhu said in surprise, "Master Ming, the emperor's illness has relapsed again, please don't anger the emperor anymore, someone is here, please call the imperial physician!"

Chu Mo has not seen the emperor for a long time, he spent a lot of effort to see the emperor today, how could he return without success, he immediately pushed Zhu Gonggong away and said: "He is the king Royal father, this king is more concerned about this matter than you!"

Eunuch Zhu couldn't help feeling tense when Chu Mo pushed him like this, he was afraid that Chu Mo would make trouble again, how dare he back down now, and there were a lot of attendants in the room, how could he let Chu Mo attack the emperor .

(End of this chapter)

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