Chapter 1906 No right to hear the case
That voice pierced heavily through the morning fog, leading straight to the palace, and also to the yamen of the third division.

Shangshu of the Ministry of Justice arrived first. When he arrived, Princess Qionghua was still beating the drum. The Shangshu of the Ministry of Justice saw that it was Princess Qionghua, and his back was covered in cold sweat. drum?"

Princess Qionghua ignored him, and directly beat the drum again, and soon Dali Siqing also rushed over, seeing the scene, she was covered in cold sweat.

Immediately afterwards, the clan official also came, and he stroked his forehead as soon as he came.

Princess Qionghua stopped after the three of them arrived. Her eyes were slightly slanted, and she had a charming appearance. Excellent, standing upstairs like this, with the three of them below, can feel her scorching grace.

Princess Qionghua glanced at the three of them and said: "I have a big injustice! Sue King Ming for using power for personal gain and harming my husband!"

The three of them were stunned for a while, Dali Temple Minister was a little more courageous, and said softly: "The princess' son-in-law died of illness as early as 19 years ago, where did the princess get her son-in-law?"

"Are you deaf? What I'm talking about isn't the son-in-law, but the husband!" Princess Qionghua's eyes twitched, with a touch of nobility overflowing, but she continued in the most gentle voice: "His name is Bai Luo."

As soon as she said these words, the three of them were dumbfounded.

The matter of Princess Qionghua and Bai Luo is being talked about by everyone in Beijing as a joke. Princess Qionghua's love affair is not a secret in Beijing, and neither is Bai Luo's love affair. Those playboys also joked that the two picked each other's broken shoes.

Those boring people in Beijing once even said that it is impossible for these two people to be together for a long time, it is just for fun, and when the interest of the two is over, no one will pay attention to the other.

It's just that the behavior of the two of them surprised everyone. They have been together for more than three years, not only have they not separated, but they have always lived in peace.

It's just that at this time Princess Qionghua called Bai Luo her husband in front of the three of them, which was beyond their tolerance after all.

Fortunately, the three of them are veterans with experience in the world. Immediately, the three of them glanced at each other, and the Minister of Criminal Affairs said: "The case of Bai Luo was ordered by the emperor himself, and the lower officials have no right to retrial."

Princess Qionghua said disdainfully: "You have no right to retrial, so what about your immediate superior?"

His immediate boss refers to Chu Yuanzhou. The Minister of Criminal Affairs has been with Chu Yuanzhou for many years, but he still hasn't figured out Chu Yuanzhou's behavior style. He doesn't know whether Chu Yuanzhou will take over this matter. There is some hesitation at the moment.

Princess Qionghua said again: "I am the emperor's youngest sister, and she can be regarded as a member of the royal family. It is not that difficult to file a lawsuit, right? Besides, I am not trying to get rid of Bai Luo's crime, but to sue King Ming. King Ming doesn't The Emperor's Yiyi said that he cannot be interrogated, right?"

It was rare for members of the royal family to be interrogated, let alone a prince with outstanding abilities like Chu Mo.

The three of them glanced at each other again, not knowing how to answer.

But Princess Qionghua pulled off the whip from her waist, and said to the three of them: "I am in the Great Zhou Dynasty, so I am still allowed to hide things? The three of you still dare to be officials with your appearance. Let Ben Gong give you a good lesson before talking."

(End of this chapter)

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