Chapter 191 Who is he
Yun Qian was stunned for a moment, although she knew that Chu Yuanzhou's actions had always been unpredictable to her, but since they met, he usually spoke indecently, but at most he was taking advantage of her, never any excess.

Her heart was relieved again, and she let him support her body and flew out along the open-air roof.

Chu Yuanzhou took her to stop on a crooked-neck tree outside the house, he flicked his fingers, and I don't know how he did it, the oil lamp in the house was lit.

At this time, the sky was completely dark, and as soon as the house was lit, it was pitch black outside.

As for Huanyu's yell just now, the women in the other bathing pools all ordered their rough-in-law women to come over to see what happened, but when they came in, they saw Yunluo and Su Dongyan standing there drenched. There, Su Dongyan was still clasping Yunluo's slender waist tightly.

And the bamboo basket that Yunqian hid just now was also pushed down during the fight, and Yunqian suddenly understood why Chu Yuanzhou took her away.

Shuxiu and Huanyu were greeting Su Dongyan with sticks.

Su Dongyan's eyes were suddenly full of anger, and he said loudly, "What are you looking at!"

Because of his reputation, many people in Beijing know him, among them, a woman from a family once saw him commit a murder when she went out, and immediately said: "He is the young master of General Zhenyuan's residence!"

As soon as this remark came out, a thousand layers of waves were immediately stirred up.

Huanyu and Shuxiu didn't see Yunqian in the room. Although they didn't know where she was, they remembered what Yunqian had explained before. Shuxiu immediately said, "Miss Si, why are you here?"

"I..." Yunluo found that her waist was still held in Su Dongyan's arms, and she didn't know how to explain it for a while.

And when everyone saw this scene, they could guess a little bit.

Someone had long recognized Huanyu and the others as maidservants of Yunfu, and Shuxiu's words about the fourth lady revealed Yunluo's identity, and many women covered their mouths and laughed.

Yunluo knew what those women's sneers meant, her small face turned pale immediately, but she still said unwillingly, "Where is Fifth Sister? Fifth Sister asked me to come!"

Shuxiu frowned and said: "Miss Si's words are so strange, Miss Wu didn't talk to you before she left, why did you come to this Baolai Temple? Even if you came to Baolai Temple, why did you come to the hot spring? Miss Wu Today I feel unwell, let us come down to soak in the hot spring, she rests alone in the wing room, even if she asks Fourth Miss to come, she will definitely not let Fourth Miss come to this hot spring!"

When Yunluo heard these words, her face turned pale.

And the women outside already knew what happened, and looked at Yunluo with disdain.

Su Dongyan frowned slightly and said: "You two maids are too sensible, dare to disturb the good things of the master, after returning, I will let my aunt take care of you!"

Huanyu apologized, "I didn't know it was Young Master Biao just now, so I offended you so much, please forgive me."

After she said this, Su Dongyan didn't say anything else, knowing that today's good things will never come true, he flicked his sleeves and left.

The women who were around also scattered around.

Yun Qian and Chu Yuanzhou saw all this in the tree and they didn't speak. Chu Yuanzhou smiled. He thought Yun Qian, the two maids, were very good, calm and flexible.

Seeing that there was no more good show to watch, he hugged Yun Qian's waist and ran towards the mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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