Chapter 1911 The Power of the Princess
The queen mother immediately slapped the dragon's head and crutches and said, "Chu Mo! What do you say?"

Chu Mo didn't expect that the queen would help the queen mother over at this time, his face suddenly turned ugly, and he knew that the queen mother must have seen him hit Princess Qionghua just now.

He could hit Princess Qionghua, because Princess Qionghua was just his aunt, and Princess Qionghua's reputation had always been very bad. He had already thought about how to explain it to others.

It's just that when the Empress Dowager asked him a question, he was a little stunned, and he could only say: "My aunt has been chasing and beating my grandson for some reason today, and my grandson was really angry, so I retaliated."

"Fart!" Princess Qionghua said loudly: "If you don't harm me, how can I do anything to you! There are so many people here, why do I only beat you? Besides, is it an honor for you to beat a woman? Is the elder honored?"

"Very good." The Taihuang snorted coldly and said, "Chu Mo, you have disappointed Aijia so much!"

Chu Mo knew that the Empress Dowager had always been partial to Princess Qionghua, but today he also made a move, and the reason suddenly became unreasonable.

He didn't speak, but Concubine De spoke: "Mother, you didn't see the madness of the princess just now, when the princess hit Mo'er, the concubine just went to stop her, and the princess even hit the concubine together , Empress, you must be the master for me!"

The Empress Dowager glanced at Concubine De, and saw that there was indeed a deep bloodstain on her charming face, but the Empress Dowager had never liked Concubine De very much, and seeing this scene at this time, she did not get angry.

The empress knows best how to figure out what the empress dowager is thinking, she can tell what the empress dowager is thinking by looking at her face, she immediately said slowly: "Princess is angry, she was trying to teach King Ming a lesson. How can I control it? Concubine De is so eager to protect her son that she hurt herself, I feel uncomfortable watching it, but can't you be more careful?"

When Chu Yuanzhou and Princess Qionghua saw the Queen and Concubine De pinching each other, they glanced at each other without speaking.

Concubine De said angrily: "Empress, what are you talking about? If you saw a lunatic beating your own child, wouldn't you be indifferent?"

The empress fanned the flames and said: "Empress Dowager, Concubine De calls the princess a madman."

As soon as De Concubine finished speaking, she knew that she had said something wrong, she bit her lip lightly, Princess Qionghua glanced at De Concubine and said: "So I have always been a lunatic in De Concubine's eyes! All right, Then I'll show you how crazy I am!"

As soon as Princess Qionghua finished speaking, she raised her whip and whipped it towards Concubine De.

Concubine De doesn't have Chu Mo's martial arts, so how can she escape?She screamed, and Princess Qionghua slapped her face again.

She was afraid, so she hid aside. When Chu Mo saw this scene, he was worried about Concubine De, and immediately said to the Queen Mother: "Grandma, it's just a misunderstanding between me and my aunt!"

The queen mother saw that it would not be a problem for Princess Qionghua to continue to make trouble, so she immediately said coldly: "Stop it all!"

After the queen mother drank like this, Princess Qionghua stopped.

It's just that De Concubine's face has been bruised, her hair is loose, and her clothes are wrinkled, she no longer has the splendor she used to.

Seeing Concubine De's state like this, the emperor felt a burst of joy. She had fought with Concubine De for decades but hadn't seen Concubine De's heart like this, and her heart immediately relieved her hatred.

(End of this chapter)

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