Chapter 1915 Her Sincerity
The Queen Mother nodded lightly when she heard the words, and said, "Good boy, I'm sorry for you!"

Chu Yuanzhou said softly: "I'm not afraid of suffering, as long as the foundation of Dazhou is solid, it doesn't matter how much hardship I suffer, but the emperor is not in good health now, and it is really imminent to establish a crown prince."

The Queen Mother sighed softly.

Chu Mo and Concubine De glanced at each other, and there was a bit of anger in their eyes.

The queen looked at this scene, her eyes were full of inscrutable, but she just stood beside the queen mother and didn't speak.

The Empress Dowager put the leading cane on the ground and said, "Waiting for Bai Luo to make a decision after the Ai family asks the emperor. Anyone who has not obtained the holy attainment must not touch a single hair of Bai Luo!"

Everyone heard the words and said yes.

Princess Qionghua exhaled lightly.

Both Chu Mo and Concubine De gritted their teeth resentfully.

In the evening, the emperor finally woke up. When he woke up, he saw the queen mother, empress, concubine De, Princess Qionghua and Chu Yuanzhou were all guarding in front of the bed. He pointed at Chu Mo and said, "You bastard!"

When the emperor scolded him like this, everything became clear, but Chu Mo forced himself to be calm and said: "I only care about my father, and I don't have any intention of offending my father."

"I'm afraid that in your heart you wish for my death!" The emperor coughed lightly.

Chu Mo immediately fell on the ground and said, "I dare not."

Princess Qionghua asked: "Brother Huang, did you have the intention to kill Bai Luo yesterday?"

"Never!" The emperor said coldly.

"I misheard." Chu Mo said softly.

Princess Qionghua glared at Chu Mo fiercely and said to the emperor: "Brother Emperor, the matter of Bai Luo has been found out. He didn't stockpile grain at all. Please check carefully, Brother Emperor."

The emperor heard Eunuch Zhu talk about Bai Luo yesterday, and immediately said slowly: "Let Bai Luo go, I can't let the people in the world feel cold towards me!"

Chu Yuanzhou responded lightly from the side: "I ordered someone to let him go."

Princess Qionghua felt relieved, but said again: "Bai Luo and I are in love, and I want to ask the emperor to marry Bai Luo and me!"

The emperor was slightly taken aback when he heard the words: "You want to marry Bai Luo?"

The emperor knew about Princess Qionghua and Bai Luo, but he didn't expect that Princess Qionghua would fall in love with Bai Luo.

"Yes." Princess Qionghua fell on the ground and said, "I don't want to miss the man who truly loves me again!"

Although the emperor was a little disappointed with Princess Qionghua, the youngest sister, he sympathized with her from the bottom of his heart. Seeing that she finally came out of Cui Cheng's affairs, he felt very comforted.

It's just that he didn't know whether Princess Qionghua's feelings for Bai Luo were deep or not, so he asked softly: "In your heart, who is more important, Bai Luo or Cui Cheng?"

After a slight pause, Princess Qionghua said softly: "I used to seek life and death for Cui Cheng, but in the end it was just a joke. The relationship between me and him originated from my dream, and it was also destroyed by my dream. Now I have woken up from the dream. , everything will be empty. And Bai Luo is happy in front of my eyes, and it is also the destination of my life. If something happens to him, I will definitely not be able to live alone. To beat the middle drum for him today, what I have in my heart is , if my life can be exchanged for his, I am also willing."

After hearing the words, the emperor sighed softly and said: "I remember that when your father was still alive, you said the same thing when you begged him to marry you and Cui Cheng. Qionghua, does Bai Luo know what's on your mind?"

(End of this chapter)

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