Chapter 1917
When Chu Mo heard the emperor's words, he knew that the emperor was suspicious of him, and it was impossible for the emperor to pass on the throne to him in the future. For a while, he was very angry in his heart, but he couldn't break out.

His hands were tightly clenched into fists, and his nails dug into his flesh without realizing it.

The emperor didn't look at the crowd any more, he looked a little tired, everyone understood, and hurriedly said goodbye and left.

The empress dowager stayed when everyone left, and after the room became quiet, the emperor asked softly: "I think the empress dowager is also persuading me to establish a prince?"

"Yes." The queen mother said slowly: "I know that you have many thoughts in your heart, you are very entangled, and very sad, but this matter must be done. It was to deal with the Chu Palace, and it was also for the throne. Your health continued to deteriorate day by day, yet you handed over the responsibility of supervising the country to Yuan Zhou. Although Yuan Zhou is capable, he is not your biological son after all. What happened to Mo Er today You don’t know what other things will happen in the future, so you have to plan early.”

The emperor's eyes were dim, and he said softly: "Of course I know about this matter, but I have thought about many things in my heart these days, but I have been unable to make up my mind. Now in my opinion, Yi'er is the most stable, He is the most suitable candidate for the crown prince, but his mother and concubine status are too low. If he ascends the throne, the ministers of the court will probably make irresponsible remarks. Besides, he does not have the support of his mother's family. The prince may not be convinced either. I'm worried that he won't be able to cope with something like forcing the palace to happen again."

"The emperor thinks too much." The queen mother glanced at the emperor and said, "If Yi'er didn't have that kind of ability, he wouldn't be able to be the king of a country."

The emperor nodded slightly, and the queen mother said again: "Although I don't understand political affairs, I also know that Yi'er has done a very good job as the leader of Jingjiwei over the years. The relationship between him and Yuanzhou is good. Yes, although the Chu Palace has not participated in the battles of the princes over the years, it has always served the emperor. If the emperor expressly expresses Yuanzhou and asks the Chu Palace to support Yi Er, with the backing of the Chu Palace, there is no need to worry about those things anymore ?”

The emperor said in a low voice: "I have actually thought about what the queen mother said, but I am a little worried about the Chu Palace after all!"

The queen mother sighed softly and said: "You were born to me, I know your character very well, you are fine in everything, but you are a little suspicious, but now that you have reached this stage, what is the use of guessing any more?" ?”

"I haven't found out who poisoned me until now." The emperor said softly, "I'm not willing!"

The Taihuang knew that what he was unwilling to say was that he was unwilling to pass on the throne to someone with ulterior motives. Although Chu Yi was very good, in the eyes of the current emperor, all princes and concubines had the possibility of poisoning him. , and Chu Yi gave him some pills before, and he felt much better after taking those pills, so Chu Yi did not escape his suspicion.

The queen mother said softly: "Emperor, your body has become like this now, no matter what you say, you have to think a lot about Jiangshan Sheji! Otherwise, it will not do you any good to drag on like this."

The emperor sighed softly and said, "I understand, Queen Mother."

(End of this chapter)

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