Chapter 1920 Shocking the world
Bai Luo saw that Princess Qionghua's eye sockets were slightly sunken, and she was much more haggard than before he entered the punishment department. She felt distressed immediately, and immediately stopped holding her hand, but hugged her into her arms and said, "I'm sorry, make you worry!"

As soon as he hugged her, her heart immediately softened, and she loosened her hand slightly, but he said again: "Twist it again, the pain makes me feel very real."

When Princess Qionghua heard his words, she was angry and funny, and immediately pinched him severely, but he laughed happily.

Princess Qionghua scolded: "You idiot, you can still laugh now."

"You came to see me, I'm happy in my heart, so I naturally want to smile." Bai Luo raised the corner of his mouth slightly and said, "I'm satisfied to be able to hug you again before I die. Although Yuan Zhou is not very righteous, this time But he did a good job, he knew that I missed you, so he sent you to my side."

"Dead?" Princess Qionghua was stunned for a moment, and soon realized that last night Chu Mo falsely spread the emperor's intention to behead Bai Luo. It's just that Bai Luo definitely doesn't know about it yet.

She remembered that when Bai Luo came in just now, he thought he was going to die, and at that time he was making half-hearted jokes with the jailer, she didn't know whether to call him stupid or optimistic.

Princess Qionghua slowly let go of her hand and looked at him, "Bai Luo, you seem to have gained weight again."

"This time there is no escape, I have too much money to spend, so I just want to eat more these days." Bai Luo pinched the fat on his waist and said in distress: "Isn't it, I gained some weight again, I thought I would never see you again, so I gained a little weight. If I knew that you would come to see me again, I would definitely not let myself eat so much."

Princess Qionghua was a little speechless, but remembered that she had been lukewarm to him all these years, and would scold him a few times when she was unhappy. In his heart, he thought that she had never loved him.

After trying to understand this level, she felt an indescribable feeling in her heart, and asked slowly, "Did you miss me these days?"

"Of course I want to!" Bai Luo hugged Princess Qionghua tightly and said, "I'm not afraid of anything these days, but I'm afraid that I'll never see you again. You hate me so much, but let me hug you today , I guess it's because of my face that I'm about to go to Huangquan!"

Princess Qionghua didn't expect that letting him hug her would become a luxury for him. How bad did she have to be to him before to make him think like this?

She glanced at him, her eyes darkened, but she didn't speak.

Bai Luo said softly again: "You are a high-ranking princess, and I am just an orphan without parents. Although I have some money in my hand, the distance from you is not ordinary. I know whether I am worthy or not. I love you, so as long as I can watch you from a distance, that's fine."

Princess Qionghua's eyes moved slightly, and she suddenly remembered something, and immediately asked, "Bai Luo, what do you like about me?"

"I don't know." Bai Luo suppressed the smile on his face, stretched out his hand to gently caress her face and said, "The first thing I liked about you was your beauty, and then it was your previous affairs..."

Princess Qionghua gave him a blank look when she heard this, but he smiled and said: "Actually, I was a little disdainful at the time, thinking that your behavior was really shocking."

(End of this chapter)

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