Chapter 1926 Family love is like a sword
Yun Qian nodded slightly and said, "Excuse me, Seventh Prince."

Chu Han's eyes were extremely deep and said: "How did you find out that he was poisoned by this kind of poison?"

Yunqian knew that he was referring to the emperor, so she smiled slightly and said, "To be honest, I have a lot of research on poison techniques, and the Seventh Prince still remembers the time when he fainted. The prince has been poisoned."

Chu Han thought of those old events and the incident of her drawing a turtle on his sword, his face blushed, but he nodded slightly.

Now he finally understands why she fell into her hands in the first place. It wasn't that he was too stupid, but that she was too good at using poison. Over the years, he couldn't figure out why she was able to escape from his hands several times. It turned out that she He is a master of poison.

He sighed almost inaudibly, but felt that those years were too beautiful, so beautiful that his heart trembled a little when he thought about it.

Yun Qian smiled and said: "So when I entered the palace that day, I knew what had happened when I saw the potted flowers and smelled the fragrance, so I asked the crown prince to remove the flowers from the emperor's bedroom. only these."

"Since you are good at using poison, you are also good at detoxifying. If you can see through that kind of poison, you should have a way to detoxify it." Chu Han looked at Yun Qian and said, "I beg you, you must save him."

Yun Qian sighed softly and said, "If I have that kind of ability, I don't need the Seventh Prince to say, I have already taken action, but I think the Seventh Prince has also found someone to check the poison, because the toxicity is slow, and it invades people. Therefore, it is impossible to detoxify. If his health is better, he does not worry or get angry on weekdays, and he is easy to nourish, and after a few years of hard work, I may be able to slowly remove the poison. But since he was poisoned to now, he has been angry several times, the poison has already penetrated into the bone marrow, and I have no way to remove the poison, so now I can live one more day, I really dare not force it."

Chu Han's eyes were slightly closed, his face was full of pain, Yun Qian said softly: "The Seventh Prince is also a smart person, he should know who injected the poison."

Chu Han remained silent, his eyes were still closed, and there was a trace of sadness on his face.

Yun Qian said slowly again: "I'm only sorry for the Seventh Prince now, such a vicious person is really not worthy of the Seventh Prince's treatment, let alone the Seventh Prince's sacrifice for him."

Chu Han's eyes slowly opened, he glanced at Yun Qian and said: "This is just your own idea, in my heart, he is my closest person after all, there are other things about whether it is worth it or not. definition."

"Idiot." Chu Yuanzhou scolded from the side: "I used to think you were smart, but now it seems that you are an out-and-out fool."

Chu Han glanced at Chu Yuanzhou and said, "Haven't you been reading my jokes all these years? Now that I have seen it so thoroughly, I should be proud, and I do have the capital to call me a fool."

Chu Yuanzhou raised his eyebrows and said: "It turns out that you still have self-knowledge. Since you can understand this, you can also understand this matter if you think about it. Since we already know about this matter, he will definitely have no chance again. The reason why Qianqian this time Telling you this matter is just for your pity's sake, and I don't want you to leave the capital in a daze without knowing who killed you."

(End of this chapter)

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