Chapter 1930 What's Wrong
These words sounded in Chu Han's heart, and he suddenly remembered that when he was five years old, he followed the emperor to Ningde's palace to escape the summer heat. At that time, he was playful, and after throwing off the eunuchs around him, he ran to the lotus pond alone. He went downstream to catch a frog, but he met a snake. At that time, he was too young, so scared that he could only cry.

When the snake was about to attack him, Chu Yi used a stick to push the snake away. At that time, Chu Yi once said to him: "People have to learn to take care of themselves, crying is useless."

At that time, he wanted to get close to Chu Yi in his heart, but at that time Chu Yi's status was very low, and Concubine De didn't let him play with Chu Yi, and even said a lot of bad things about Chu Yi in front of him. Together with Chu Mo, Chu Mo has always been very indifferent to Chu Yi, and the intimacy that had been born in his heart disappeared completely because of this series of things.

He almost forgot all the episodes of that year, if it wasn't for this sentence, he might not be able to remember it.

Now that times have changed, the teenagers and children of those years have grown up, and the only thing that has not changed is the kinship of flesh and blood.

It was only then that Chu Han realized that Chu Yi and Chu Mo were both his elder brothers and his brothers. Seeing that Chu Mo had already got on his horse and was about to leave, he finally shouted, "Second Brother !"

Chu Yi turned back slowly, and asked lightly: "What's the matter?"

Chu Han didn't speak, maybe it was getting colder at night, he felt a little cold, and shivered unnaturally.

Chu Yi reined in the horse, then jumped off the horse's back, took off his cloak and put it on him, saying: "It's late at night, go back quickly!"

When Chu Yi's cloak was draped over Chu Han's shoulders, Chu Han's heart warmed up, and he called softly, "Second Brother."

Chu Yi turned his head again, but this time he didn't ask any more questions. He just patted Chu Han's shoulder lightly, didn't speak any more, just jumped on the horse's back with a flying body, clamped the horse's belly, and rode away.

Chu Han stood on the street and looked at it for a while, then sighed softly, his eyes narrowed slightly, he hesitated again in his heart, but made another decision, he decided to stay in the capital first, to escape the eternal Neither is likely to solve any problems.

After Chu Han left, a black shadow also left very quickly. The black shadow went up and down several times, and quickly entered Chu Palace.

Yunqian has been lethargic since she was pregnant, and she has already fallen asleep at this time. Chu Yuanzhou stayed in the palace tonight, and when he heard the slight movement outside, he slowly got up and got out of bed. He was afraid of disturbing Yunqian, so he moved very slowly. light.

He pushed open the window, and then jumped out lightly. The head of the dark guard landed in front of him, gave a light salute and said: "Your Majesty, everything is as you expected. You sent the Seventh Prince to Chu After two news reports from the palace were disclosed to King Ming, King Ming really killed the doctor, and then the Seventh Prince saw all of this."

Chu Yuanzhou nodded slightly and said, "And then?"

"Then the Seventh Prince seemed to have been hit a bit, and sat there without moving. Then he met Prince Jing, who gave him a cloak, and then sent two Jingji guards to send him back." The head of the dark guard said softly.

Chu Yuanzhou stood there without moving. Seeing that he looked lonely standing there, the head of the dark guard moved in his heart, and asked softly, "My lord, what's wrong?"

(End of this chapter)

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