Chapter 1939
The queen smiled lightly and said: "Concubine De is too impatient. In the end, this is just Qin Zhizhi's one-sided remarks. He said that King Jing was promised by Qin to be with the guard, so is it the guard? If so, come back tomorrow. Entering the palace alone means that the king was not born to Concubine De, so is it true that King Ming was not born to Concubine De?"

"You!" Concubine De was very angry, she gritted her teeth and looked at the queen, "What does the queen mean?"

"It's not interesting." The queen said indifferently: "I just think this matter is too hasty. If it is said that Prince Jing is not the emperor's son, then the other princes will definitely be dissatisfied, so I think this matter has to be done." Check, Queen Mother, are you right?"

The Empress Dowager was always careful in doing things, she nodded lightly after hearing what the Empress said, and Concubine De seemed a little impatient when she made such a comparison in front of the Empress.

She glanced at the queen and said, "Then how should we check according to the queen's wishes?"

"Didn't the queen mother have already thought about it?" The queen smiled slightly: "It would be good if the imperial doctor came here to bleed the emperor and Prince Jing to recognize their relatives, so that Prince Jing would not be suspected."

There was a hint of helplessness in the Queen Mother's eyes, blood is an extremely ancient method, although what happened today Concubine De convincingly said, but she felt something wrong, because once this method is chosen, if Chu Yi Zhen is not the emperor's son, so Chu Yi's end will be miserable. Although Qin promised to be dead, his body will be dug up.

But if it is not checked, she will have suspicions in her heart again, and this matter will definitely go to the emperor. The emperor is the empress dowager's son, and she is very clear about the severity of suspicion.

And now Chu Yi is the prince with the highest voice for the throne. If he really becomes the next king, if he is not the emperor's own son, then it is tantamount to giving the country to other people.

The Empress Dowager's eyes were a little complicated, but Concubine De glanced at Chu Yi and said, "I didn't think so before, but now the more I look at Prince Jing, the more I feel that he is neither like the emperor nor like Qin Xu."

Her words made the queen mother raise her head. In fact, Chu Yi and the emperor are somewhat similar, but no matter how similar they are, they can’t stand such a challenge. Besides, Chu Yi is only three points like the emperor. It doesn't feel like anywhere anymore.

Chu Yi sneered and said: "Listening to the words of the concubine De, it seems that I am sure that I am not the son of the emperor. Could it be that all this was designed by the concubine De himself?"

Concubine De glared at him and said: "What do I need to design? This is the truth. If you really think that you are the emperor's biological son, you will confess your blood today. Otherwise, who knows the truth?"

There was a deep chill in Chu Yi's eyes, and he sneered and said, "It's okay for me to agree to admit my relatives with a drop of blood. If it turns out that I am the son of the emperor, what about Concubine Jiang De?"

Concubine De said indifferently: "This is none of my business..."

"If Yi'er is the emperor's son, Concubine De has committed the crime of solicitation, and she will be sent to the cold palace for spreading rumors to frame the prince." The queen answered unhurriedly, what happened today, the queen is Watching a play, but wanting to sing this play more interestingly.

Concubine De's eyes suddenly turned cold, she stared at the queen and said, "What does the queen mean?"

(End of this chapter)

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