Chapter 1951
The imperial physician had long been frightened by the accident of Chu Mo's mother and son, and his hands couldn't help shaking slightly.

Seeing his trembling hands, Yun Qian said, "Just now when the ninth prince had an accident, the imperial physician was extremely calm, but now when the third prince has an accident, you are trembling with fright, which seems unreasonable!"

The imperial doctor hurriedly wiped off his sweat and said: "The imperial concubine is serious, it's not trembling hands that come down to the official."

Yun Qian said with a smile: "The imperial doctor can give King Jing a good test, but don't make any troubles."

The doctor nodded slightly.

However, Yunqian leaned close to the imperial physician's ear and whispered: "You have seen so many scandals about the royal family today, do you think you can live safely? Huh?"

The imperial doctor's hand shook again, and Yun Qian said softly again: "I know you belong to Concubine De and King Ming, and now that Concubine De and King Ming have both had accidents, do you think they still have the ability to protect you?"

The imperial doctor's eyes were full of fear, and he said softly: "Please show the way."

There was a slight chill in Yunqian's eyes, and he said: "Prince Jing and Prince Ming are the two most popular for the throne. Prince Ming is obviously out of the game, and now only Prince Jing can protect you."

After thinking about it, the imperial doctor felt that what Yun Qian said was very reasonable. Chu Yi's voice in the court is very high now. As long as Chu Yi is willing to protect him, then he will be safe and sound. His heart suddenly became more stable, and he hurriedly said : "Thank you for your advice, Crown Princess."

There was a faint smile in Yunqian's eyes, and then he took a step back slowly.

Chu Yi naturally saw Yun Qian's move towards the imperial physician, and there was a touch of gentleness in his eyes.

Concubine De over there also saw this scene, and Concubine De immediately said loudly: "Emperor doctor, you must examine it carefully!"

Concubine De's words were threatening. From Concubine De's point of view, even if Chu Mo couldn't be the emperor, she definitely couldn't take advantage of Chu Mo. The imperial physician belonged to them. dismount!
The imperial physician naturally heard the threat in Defei's words. If it was before, the imperial physician might still take it to heart and be a little afraid, but the present Defei is no longer the former Defei.

His eyes narrowed slightly, and he suddenly had an idea in his heart.

Yun Qian naturally saw the interaction between Concubine De and the imperial physician, as well as the disdain in the imperial physician's eyes, she knew that today's matter was a foregone conclusion.

Sure enough, the imperial physician quickly tested the results, and the blood of Chu Yi and the emperor are compatible!

As soon as Concubine De heard the result, she immediately shouted: "This is impossible!"

"What's impossible?" Yun Qian looked at Concubine De and said, "Concubine De is so determined, but Concubine De has other calculations in her heart? Or is there other arrangements?"

Concubine De's body trembled slightly, she rushed to the imperial physician and said, "Tell me, did you do something wrong?"

The Imperial Physician knew that he had broken up with Concubine De at this time, so he was no longer polite, he pushed Concubine De's hand away and said, "Ms. Concubine De's question is very strange, what do you mean I did it?" Hands and feet, when can I do hands and feet? If it comes to doing hands and feet, I still have a few ideas, I wonder if Empress Defei would like to hear it!"

Concubine De's eyes narrowed immediately, those pupils were filled with menace, she couldn't help thinking, could it be that the imperial physician was bribed?Thinking about it again, it seems that this is not possible.

(End of this chapter)

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