Chapter 1953 Chu Mo’s Downfall
Chu Mo didn't look at Concubine De, but knelt down in front of the Empress Dowager and said, "Grandma Huang, the concubine mother has gone too far in this matter, my grandson has no face to plead for her, and my grandson has no face to plead for me. The grandson knows that he is a sinner, so he has no face to see Grandma Huang again. Grandma Huang wants to kill her grandson, and her grandson has no complaints. The grandson only asks for one thing now, let the grandson send the mother and concubine to the end, and then guard the first seven, Grandma Huang bestows her grandson to death again."

After he finished speaking, he kowtowed heavily to the Queen Mother a few times.

Yun Qian and Chu Yuanzhou felt that his approach was extremely clever. On the one hand, he was also a victim in this matter. Even though he did not have royal blood, he had been serving the Empress Dowager all these years. Humans also have emotions.

Furthermore, he retreated to advance in this way, which perfectly reflected his filial piety.

In a country like Da Zhou, which places great emphasis on filial piety, it was very reasonable for him to say such a thing.

The Empress Dowager didn't want his life in the first place, but when she saw him doing this, the Empress Dowager immediately softened her heart, and said slowly: "My family agrees! It's just that you don't want to leave Prince Ming's Mansion again during this period. !"

"Grandson obeys!" Chu Mo saluted the queen mother again, and then slowly stood up.

When Yunqian and Chu Yuanzhou saw this scene, they glanced at each other, and they both saw worry in each other's eyes. They just stood in their position, and it was not easy to go to the Queen Mother and beg the Queen Mother to kill Chu Mo.

Both of them knew that with Chu Mo's temperament, it was impossible for him to be punished willingly and wait to die there. The only thing they could do now was to wait for the emperor to wake up, and then tell the matter in front of the emperor.

According to the emperor's love for Concubine De, he would definitely be furious after knowing this matter, and would definitely kill Chu Mo.

At this moment, the empress said slowly: "Mother Concubine, King Ming holds a lot of power and is supported by countless courtiers. If we let him go back to the mansion like this, will something go wrong?"

After hearing the queen's words, the queen mother quickly came back to her senses. There was a hint of murderous intent in her eyes, and she said slowly: "Come here, send King Ming back to the mansion!"

She emphasized the word "send", and the meaning was very clear. The guards guarding outside understood the main point when they heard it, and immediately responded, and quickly retreated.

Although the Empress Dowager is a girlish person, she is old and also a person who values ​​family affection, but in her heart, the overall situation must be the top priority. How dangerous it is to release a prince who holds a lot of power and has no inheritance rights. She is also very clear.

It's just that after giving such orders, she felt a little tired. If she could, she didn't want to deal with this kind of thing anymore.

Qin Zhi stood in the corner and saw this happening, his heart was full of fear, he wanted to sneak away while everyone was not paying attention, but before he took three steps, he was stopped by Chu Yi.

Chu Yi said coldly: "Uncle, who is my mother and concubine having an affair with? Let's talk about it in detail."

As soon as Qin Zhi saw his indifferent look, he was so frightened that his soul almost flew away. He quickly knelt down and said, "Prince Jing, don't blame me for this. Two silver coins, and then use the post of magistrate of Qingyang County to let me cooperate with her in identifying that you are not the emperor's son, it really has nothing to do with me!"

(End of this chapter)

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