Chapter 1956
The emperor said coldly: "Could the concubine be thinking too much?"

"I don't really think much about it." The smile in Yunqian's eyes faded, and she looked at the queen and said, "If he knows that the queen doesn't want Prince Jing to ascend the throne, do you think he will support Prince Jing? Then If Prince Jing ascends to the extreme position, and knows about the empress' plans today, how will the empress think he will treat you?"

The King of Chu has the most military power in his hands, but he has always acted moderately all these years, but his position can basically determine the standing of the entire Great Zhou. If he supports someone as the prince, the emperor will find it difficult to refuse.

The empress narrowed her eyes because of Yun Qian's assumptions, and she said faintly: "I used to really underestimate the concubine, but now I understand why the son favors the concubine alone. It is really easy to grasp the heart of the son of a prince because of his wisdom, I am relieved of what you said just now, and I know what to do."

After saying this, she strode away.

Yunqian watched her guard of honor leave, and sighed softly, almost inaudibly.

When Chu Yuanzhou was talking with the queen, he went to deal with the details of the aftermath of today's incident. After he made arrangements, the queen had already left.

He walked to Yun Qian's side and said, "What did you just say to the queen?"

There was a faint chill in Yunqian's eyes, and he said slowly: "I just persuaded her a few words, but it seems that she doesn't like me to persuade her, and she will definitely not take my words to heart. So Now I'm really curious about what she, a queen without a son, wants to do."

Chu Yuanzhou understood the hidden meaning in her words, blinked his eyes slightly and said: "If you can't figure it out, don't guess it for now, as you said, she is just a queen without a prince, and she can't make too much trouble." When the big waves come, we still want to deal with Chu Mo's matter first."

Yunqian nodded slightly, knowing that what he said was the most important thing right now. How much Chu Mo had paid for the throne over the years, even if Yunqian didn't care about national affairs, she could still see some of it.

As for what the queen wants to do, she thinks she can wait and see.

It's just that when she thought of the way the queen talked to her today, she couldn't hide her worry. The queen's thoughts were deep and terrifying. For such a concubine in the palace without a son, she really couldn't understand why the queen still With such fighting spirit, what does the queen really want?
After the two returned to the palace, Yun Qian sighed inaudibly.

Seeing her appearance, Chu Yuanzhou felt distressed and said: "I told you not to worry about these things anymore, but you always refused to listen. You are pregnant now, how can you stand such a torment. Come on Come on, sit down and rest."

In fact, Yun Qianguan didn't feel tired, but seeing him so nervous and caring, her heart was full of warmth after all, she smiled and said: "Go and do your work! Don't worry about me, Huanyu and Shuxiu are with you By my side, they will take care of me."

Huanyu and Shuxiu both smiled when they heard her words, but they didn't answer. Shuxiu went to pour Yunqian a glass of white water.

Chu Yuanzhou sat down on the chair beside her and said, "No matter how important things are, they are not as important as you."

(End of this chapter)

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