Chapter 1967 The truth of the year
Ning Guiren is Chu Han's biological mother. Chu Han was taken by Concubine De after Ning Guiren's death. When Ning Guiren went, Chu Han was still young and didn't have much impression, but Ning Guiren was a royal concubine. He is a well-known beauty in the village, and he has heard some things about Ning Guiren.

Ning Guiren doted on the harem back then, after she entered the palace, the emperor only had Ning Guiren in his eyes, even though he loved the emperor and concubine De very much before, after Ning Guiren entered the palace, the emperor became quite indifferent towards Concubine De.

It's just that the heavens are jealous of the beauty. When Chu Han was five years old, Mrs. Ning was infected with typhoid fever, and then became more and more ill, and finally passed away.

Chu Han picked up the hairpin, put it in his nose and smelled it, and then smelled a very familiar floral fragrance from the hairpin. exactly the same.

His heart felt cold at first, but then he smiled and said: "My concubine mother has been gone for more than ten years, even if Concubine De poisoned her hairpin, it is impossible for her to still have the fragrance of flowers after so many years!"

"If you say you are stupid, you still don't believe it. The fragrance of this flower can be preserved for many years." Chu Yuanzhou sneered and said, "Mother Gong, come and tell the Seventh Prince what's going on!"

Mother Gong is Chu Han's nanny. After he was adopted by Concubine De, Concubine De drove Mama Gong out of the palace.

As soon as Chu Yuanzhou finished speaking, Gong's mother came out from behind the bridge.

Chu Han still recognized Mama Gong, he was a little startled and said, "Mama Gong, why are you here? You can't be lying to me because you were bought by Chu Yuanzhou!"

Gong's mother said softly: "Seventh Prince, you have misunderstood your son. When Concubine De attacked Ning Guiren, Ning Guiren had already noticed it, but the poison was too vicious, and there was no cure for it. Ning Guiren knew that Time is running out, so I wrote a letter and put it in the golden lock close to the prince, and told the old servant not to tell the Seventh Prince about this unless it was absolutely necessary, for fear that the Seventh Prince would be murdered by Concubine De. Seeing that the Seventh Prince is being used by Concubine De's mother and son in every possible way, this old slave is anxious!"

Chu Han was somewhat skeptical and said: "What you said is true?"

"If it's true or not, the Seventh Prince can tell by taking out the golden lock." Gong's mother said softly.

Chu Han's eyes deepened, and he took out the golden lock from his bosom. Because this golden lock was given by Mrs. Ning Gui, Chu Han has been wearing the golden lock close to his body all these years, but he has been wearing it for so many years. Never found anything wrong with the gold lock.

Gong's mother said softly: "The Seventh Prince presses the right eye on the golden lock Avalokitesvara with that force, and then pulls the base under the golden lock, and after opening it slightly, then turn it lightly, and it's done."

Chu Han did as he said, and sure enough, the chassis was lifted, revealing a yellowish low strip inside, the ink on it had faded a bit, but what was written on it could still be seen clearly.

Chu Han knew Ning Guiren's handwriting. Every year on his birthday, he would receive a letter written by Ning Gui, which said her best wishes to him.

He kept receiving that kind of letter and never received it again, so he was very familiar with Ning Guiren's handwriting.

And he kept this golden lock close to his body all the time, so what was said in the letter was absolutely true, because no one had any chance to fake it.

(End of this chapter)

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