Chapter 1978 What to Want

Yun Qian felt that she was quiet in the wing room now, but she didn't bring anything with her when she came out, so she inevitably felt a little bored and tired, so she just lay on the bed and rested.

Chu Yuanzhou came to see her, saw her fall asleep, felt relieved, and went to the scripture room to listen to the scriptures.

When she was in a sleepy sleep, she suddenly felt that there was someone beside her. She woke up suddenly, but saw Chu Mo standing beside her, and Huanyu and Shuxiu were lying on the ground motionless.

Seeing Chu Mo, Yun Qian was slightly startled, and immediately asked, "Your Highness is so courageous, how dare you come here alone."

At this time, Chu Mo no longer had the same demeanor as before, and he had lost a lot of weight. He looked a bit embarrassed, and he was wearing the clothes of the imperial guards. From what he looked like, he might be pretending to be an imperial guards Mixed in.

Seeing that her tone was extremely calm, Chu Mo immediately glanced at her and said, "You are quite courageous. There are so many young ladies in the Yunfu, I am afraid that none of them has such a bearing as you."

"My lord has won the prize." Yun Qian said flatly, "I don't know what advice my lord has for Yun Qian today."

"Advice is out of the question. The king does need help from his concubine." Chu Mo said coldly.

Yun Qian smiled and said: "Although I don't know what the prince wants me to do for the prince, if I were the prince, I would definitely leave immediately. According to the prince's ability, even if I live among the people, I will no longer be able to enjoy the treatment of the prince. , but at least you can save your life, and you can live a normal life without worrying about food and clothing. And if you come to me like this at this time, it is very likely that you will lose your life."

"You don't need to scare the concubine, I know what to do." There was a gloomy look in Chu Mo's eyes, and he sneered and said: "For me, it's better to spend my whole life incognito and hide away." Just die."

"My lord, if I want to think like this, I have nothing to do." Yun Qian's eyes were light, and his face was also very calm, but he was a little anxious in his heart.

At this time, everyone was guarding the scripture room, and it was impossible for Chu Yuanzhou to come to rescue her at this time. Since she was pregnant, although she was very good at using poison, she was also worried that the poison would hurt the child in her belly, so she went out. Time did not bring poison.

There was no poison on her body, and she knew in her heart that she would never be Kong Wuli's Chu Mo's opponent, not to mention that she was still pregnant at this time, so no matter what she did, there would be many inconveniences.

The wing room is far away from the sutra room, even if she yells loudly, she may not be able to hear the sound of chanting sutras in the sutra room.And as long as she yelled, Chu Mo would kill her. She couldn't afford such a risk.

Chu Mo also saw her thoughts, he smiled lightly and said: "The princess does not need to wait for the prince to save you, I have inquired about it before, this time it takes two hours to pray, but now only one hour has passed, so wait for the prince to save you." When I found out that the concubine was gone, I should have taken the concubine and left here."

"What did the lord want me to do for the lord just now?" Yun Qian asked very calmly.

"It's nothing, I just want to ask the concubine Shizi to cooperate with me." Chu Mo looked at her and said, "I think the concubine Shizi has no other choice at this time."

Yun Qian's eyes deepened and said: "My lord is very right. I really have no other choice at this time, but I don't know what my lord wants?"

(End of this chapter)

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