Chapter 1982

It's just that Yunqian is pregnant now, so she can't take any risks. She slowly stood up from the ground and walked towards him slowly, but she was thinking about how to escape the danger.

It was just that as soon as she took a step, she heard a sharp sound of breaking through the air behind her. She narrowed her eyes, and instead of moving forward, she sat down on the ground along the boulder.

When Yunqian heard the sound of piercing the sky, Chu Mo also heard it, but in his opinion, it was not easy for the arrow to pierce through layers of thorns and hit him. Go get that arrow.

Just as soon as his arm was swung out, the arrow arrived, shot straight into his arm, and took his body back three steps.

Whether Chu Mo's eyes were filled with surprise, another arrow shot over, this time at his chest.

At this moment, Chu Mo knew that he should not be careless, and he dodged to hide, but he didn't expect that the arrow came very fast, he hadn't reacted at all, the arrow had already shot over.

With a muffled snort, he was shot directly by the arrow and felt chilled out.

Chu Mo's eyes were full of disbelief, who had such a fast and sharp arrow?

Immediately afterwards, the third arrow was shot again, this time it shot directly at his heart, he was hit by two arrows and had no ability to resist anymore, with a muffled grunt, the third arrow had already pierced his heart.

Chu Mo spat out a mouthful of blood, her eyes were full of surprise, at this moment, Yun Yan, who had been lying on the ground without strength, stood up with all her strength, and then threw herself into Chu Mo's arms.

Seeing that she was still alive, Chu Mo froze for a moment, but he had no strength to resist.

There was a smile on Yun Yan's face, and she said in a very weak voice: "Chu Mo, don't you always think I'm dirty, saying that I'm not good enough for you, not worthy of staying by your side? Then I'm going to tell you today , life, I am your wife, death, I will die with you! You, even if you die, you can never get rid of me!"

Chu Mo was shot in the heart, unable to speak at all, and fell heavily backwards.

Behind him was a cliff, and when he fell like this, his and Yun Yan's bodies fell heavily backwards.

At this moment, Yun Yan's consciousness was a little fuzzy, and the last thought in her mind was: "If there is an afterlife, I will definitely not marry such a ruthless and heartless man as my wife!"

Standing by the boulder, Yunqian sighed softly when she saw this scene, but she was unconsciously relieved.

Chu Yuanzhou rushed to her side very quickly and said, "Qianqian, how are you?"

When Yunqian just saw those arrows, she knew that Chu Yuanzhou had arrived. In this world, only he could shoot such domineering arrows.

She smiled at him and said, "I'm fine.

Chu Yuanzhou breathed a sigh of relief, but at this moment, he heard a Buddha's name proclaimed. Yun Qian turned his head and saw the abbot of Baolai Temple and Chu Yi standing on the edge of the cliff.

Yunqian felt normal when she saw Chu Yi, but felt weird when she saw the abbot at this time, she couldn't help but said, "How did you come here?"

"Thanks to the abbot for today's matter." Chu Yuanzhou smiled and said: "If the abbot didn't say that you came this way, I still wouldn't believe it."

Yun Qian was slightly surprised when she heard the words: "When I was caught here by Chu Mo today, I was too hasty to leave any traces, how did the master know that I was kidnapped here by Chu Mo? of?"

(End of this chapter)

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