Chapter 1989 Get out
As soon as the cup in Chu Yuanzhou's hand dropped, several guards tied an old eunuch in his 40s and walked in.

The queen saw that the old eunuch's complexion finally changed, but Chu Yuanzhou smiled and said, "Empress, are you looking for him?"

The old eunuch is the leader of the queen's secret guards, and also the main executor of this palace change. When the queen saw him being arrested, she couldn't help feeling tense, and immediately shouted angrily: "Chu Yuanzhou, you are so courageous, what are you trying to do?" Rebellion?"

"Treason? I would like to, but no one gave me this chance!" Chu Yuanzhou chuckled, raised his palm and knocked the old eunuch down in the tunnel: "I'm really sorry, this eunuch was killed by me a few years ago. I felt that he was a little different, so I kept looking for someone to watch him closely, so I happened to hear all of the empress's plan this time. I originally thought that I would wait for the empress to finish singing this big play, It's just that I'm good enough to appear on the stage, but the empress is too courageous, she dared to catch Qianqian, do you really regard me as a flirtatious dude?",

After hearing his words, the queen said angrily: "Chu Yuanzhou, don't confuse black and white, all of this is the emperor's intention. The emperor has ordered my palace to supervise the country, and you have been dismissed now!"

"Jianguo?" Chu Yuanzhou smiled and said, "It's the first time I've seen a woman with such big ambitions. Empress, you have such big ambitions. Does the Emperor know?"

Lan Shuheng shouted: "This is the emperor's intention, Chu Yuanzhou, do you want to resist?"

"What kind of thing are you?" Chu Yuanzhou looked at Lan Shuheng with extreme disdain and said, "Don't think that I'm afraid of you just because I hold a sword. If you have the ability, try to slash me!"

"This is Shangfang's sword. I cut down the emperor and the rebellious ministers!" Lan Shuheng glared at Chu Yuanzhou and said, "If you violate the laws of the country, don't blame my Shangfang sword for not being sympathetic!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he actually slashed at Chu Yuanzhou. He felt that this was a Shangfang sword bestowed by the late emperor, which represented the supreme imperial power, and no one could defy it.

It's just that Chu Yuanzhou must not be included among these people. As soon as Lan Shuheng's sword stabbed, Chu Yuanzhou kicked the sword in his hand away with one kick, and then kicked Lan Shuheng to the ground with a sweep of his foot. After Lan Shuheng fell to the ground, Chu Yuanzhou's foot stepped on Lan Shuheng's hand unceremoniously, and he cried out in pain: "Chu Yuanzhou, how dare you hit the man holding Shangyan's sword?" Minister!"

"It seems that the former emperor's Shangfang sword was not given to you." Chu Yuanzhou said unhurriedly: "So you are not worthy to hold this sword at all. A sword is dead, and a person is alive. Do you have to be held by a sword?" Can't you be trapped to death?"

Lan Shuheng had heard that Chu Yuanzhou did not follow the rules earlier, but he did not expect him to be so unruly, but he heard Chu Yuanzhou order again: "Come on, Lan Shuheng intends to rebel, and will He pulled it down and cut it!"

As soon as the queen and Lan Shuheng were shocked by this remark, Lan Shuheng was pulled out before he could react. The queen was about to stop drinking when she heard Lan Shuheng's screams from outside.

The queen thought she was ruthless, but compared with Chu Yuanzhou's ruthlessness at this time, it was nothing.

Lan Shuheng is the queen's close relative, she immediately shouted angrily: "Chu Yuanzhou, you are so brave! You dare to touch me!"

(End of this chapter)

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