Chapter 1991
"Wife?" The queen sneered, "I'm just his wife in name, and he has never treated me sincerely in these years! He has always doted on that bitch, Concubine Guan De, and suppressed me everywhere! Wishing my son to be his eldest son , is also a legitimate heir to the throne, but he has not made him the crown prince for a long time, and even put him in the clan mansion! I hate him! I hate him to the bone!"

The queen mother angrily reprimanded: "The emperor has always favored his son the most, but he is not up to date. Ask yourself, which of the things you have done over the years is not outrageous?"

The queen sneered and said, "That means he has never been nice to Yuan'er!"

Seeing her like this, the queen mother felt that she had fallen into a demon, and would never know how to repent. The queen mother pondered for a while and said, "Drag Mrs. Lan to the punishment room and beat him to death with sticks!"

As soon as the queen mother said something, a guard came in and dragged the queen down.

After the queen mother gave her orders, she shook her body, Yun Qian gently supported her, her eyes were full of helplessness.

The empress's false transmission of holy attainments was suppressed on the second day, Lan Mansion was ransacked, men were assigned to border customs, and women were used as official prostitutes.

After Chu Yuanzhou proclaimed the true sagehood to the world, all the ministers in the court obeyed the emperor's wishes, supported Chu Yi as the new emperor, changed the name of the country to Tongji, and proclaimed himself emperor after the emperor's burial.

On the second day after Chu Yi ascended the throne, Chu Yuanzhou handed over his resignation letter and all the military amulets of the Chu Palace. Chu Yi knew that he could not keep him, so he had to agree, but he did not agree with Chu Yuanzhou's resignation of the title, and ordered him to be forever If Chu Yuanzhou and his descendants are willing to enter the capital to serve as officials, they can retain the title of Chu Palace at any time.

He transferred Ye Wuchen to the cabinet, and Ye Xiang also handed in his resignation immediately after hearing Chu Yi's intentions, not to be with Ye Wuchen and his son at the same time.

Yefu has one family and two phases, and it has become a good story for a while.

One month after Chu Yi ascended the throne, he announced to the world that only Nangong Wushuang would be appointed as the empress. Since then, there have been no concubines in the six palaces.

After he ascended the throne, he appointed newcomers and spread benevolent government. Soon the entire court was full of vitality, the people were full of waste, and the originally decadent government became clearer.

On this day, the whole family of Prince Chu's Mansion set off to the south, the carriage was full of clothes, Chu Yuanzhou stood beside Yunqian and stretched his waist and said, "Sure enough, there is nothing wrong with me, I feel relaxed!"

Seeing his appearance, Yun Qian thought it was a little funny, but she just reached out and stroked her stomach.

Chu Yuanzhou squatted in front of her and put his ear on it and said, "Come on, call me daddy!"

Concubine Chu watched from the side and said: "Now Qian'er is only five months pregnant, the child has just formed, you let him be your father, you really think too much!"

Chu Yuanzhou said very naturally: "My children are all geniuses, so they are naturally different from other people's children. Hey, they just called me!"

Everyone laughed after hearing what he said, and Yun Qian only felt that such a day was extremely happy.

After they got into the carriage, they stopped just as they drove out of the capital. Chu Yuanzhou was slightly annoyed, "Why did you stop?"

He stuck his head out and saw Chu Yi and Nangong Wushuang standing on the road in casual clothes. He hurriedly helped Yun Qian get out of the car to salute, but was stopped by Chu Yi: "They are all my brothers, and there are no outsiders here. Thank you very much."

Chu Yuanzhou smiled and said: "You are now the king of a country, and if you run out like this, you won't be afraid that the ministers in the court will criticize you."

(End of this chapter)

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