Chapter 1994: Qionghua outside the episode (2)

Sure enough, Cui Cheng took a big step back and said, "Your official is not worthy of a princess."

Seeing his appearance, Qionghua bit her lips and said: "I just like you, so I want to marry you, you just wait to marry me!"

That afternoon, she went to ask the emperor for a marriage. The emperor originally cherished Cui Cheng's talent, but Dang even agreed, so the marriage was settled.

At this moment, the door was pushed open with a squeak, and Cui Cheng stumbled in, reeking of alcohol, Cai Yu hurriedly stepped forward to support him and said, "Why did the son-in-law come so late, the princess is waiting for you?" It's been a long time!"

Cui Cheng sneered, and brushed Caiyu away, seeing that Qionghua was still living in front of the bed with a hijab on, his eyes were slightly surprised, and he pulled Qionghua away without saying goodbye Hijab.

The woman under the hijab had slightly curved eyebrows and a jade-like nose. She was looking at him with bright eyes. He knew she was a stunning beauty. Seeing her like this now, there was still a hint of surprise in her eyes, but that Jingyan quickly turned into frost, he said coldly: "You use this method to make me marry you, but you will never win my heart!"

Qionghua felt sore when she heard the words, she was always so strong, she stood up immediately, squinted at Cui Cheng and said, "Well, one day I will let you have only me in your heart!"

Cui Cheng sneered, at this moment, Caiyu came over with a basin of washing water, Cui Cheng stretched out his hand to pick up the basin of water and poured it directly on Qionghua's face, saying: "Princess is afraid that she is dreaming, this basin of water is for the princess Wake up."

The basin of water was warm, but it made Qionghua feel like a basin of cold water was pouring from head to toe!

Caiyu said angrily, "How could the son-in-law treat the princess like this!"

Qionghua reached out and grabbed Cui Cheng's collar and said: "I know what you did was just to make me angry, so that I can go to my father tomorrow and cry at my father's place to dissolve this marriage. But Cui Cheng, let me tell you, Let me give you up, you are also dreaming."

As soon as she finished speaking, she picked up a bottle of wine on the table and poured it on Cui Cheng, saying, "I'll help you wake up from your dreams too!"

Cui Cheng sneered, turned his head and wanted to slam the door away, Qionghua's voice rang out: "I can make my father give you a marriage, and I can make your house restless. If you dare to leave the bridal chamber one more step tonight, I will..."

After a slight pause, she said: "Tomorrow, I will let your childhood sweetheart die unexpectedly."

"How dare you!" Cui Cheng's voice immediately became louder.

Qiong Hua was even more annoyed by his defensive appearance, she sneered, "Is there anything in this world that I dare not do?"

Cui Cheng was stunned. Indeed, there is nothing in this world that Qionghua dare not do. His hand had already opened the door, but he slammed it shut again. Then he opened the cupboard door and pulled out the brocade quilt inside. On the ground, and then fell asleep directly.

Seeing his appearance, Qiong Hua bit her lips heavily, walked in front of him and said, "You hate me that much?"

"The princess just said, as long as I don't come out of this room, I will do as the princess wishes." Cui Cheng's voice was almost ice-cold.

Qionghua pursed her lips, and lay down directly beside him, Cui Cheng got up and wanted to get up, but she said again: "I will sleep wherever you sleep tonight!"

Cui Cheng knew her temperament, and immediately got up and went to bed, and Qionghua followed him on the bed.

As soon as Cui Cheng lay on the bed, he turned his body to his side and ignored her.

(End of this chapter)

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