Chapter 2000: Qionghua outside the episode (8)

The nuns in the palace are all human spirits, Qionghua saw the clue as soon as she entered the palace, the queen asked again, she knew that she couldn't hide it, even though she begged the queen not to punish Cui Cheng, the queen told her to let them get rid of Cui Cheng as soon as possible. Consummate the house, otherwise the royal family will lose face.

Qionghua knew what the queen meant, but it was her intention to marry Cui Cheng at that time, but Cui Cheng didn't have her in his heart.

But she also knew that this matter could not be delayed any longer. If it continued, the queen might really punish Cui Cheng. She didn't want him to be punished.So, today she said this directly.

Even though she usually has a flamboyant personality and willful behavior, she is still a woman. After saying this, her face blushed unconsciously.

After hearing her words, Cui Cheng sneered and said, "What? Use the queen to suppress me? Qionghua, you are so vicious that it is unimaginable!"

After he finished speaking, he walked out. If it wasn't for Caiyu's support, Qionghua would have fallen to the ground, but there were no tears in her eyes, and she only whispered: "Caiyu, am I married to him?" What's wrong?"

Caiyu didn't know how to answer for a while, but Qionghua said softly: "I'm tired, help me go back to my room to rest!"

Qionghua fell asleep in Huangcuo as soon as she lay down on the bed. It was dark without a lamp in the room. She was just about to call Caiyu to hold the lamp, but she smelled a strong smell of alcohol. Then she heard Cui Cheng's cold voice: "I will do what you wish tonight!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he frantically tore at her clothes.

Qionghua was shocked and said, "What are you doing?"

"Don't you want to consummate the house with me? I will grant your wish tonight!" Cui Cheng rushed towards her as soon as he finished speaking.

Qiong Hua raised her hand and gave him a slap. Cui Cheng's eyes were as bright as stars in the dark night. Perhaps it was because of drinking, his courage became a lot thicker, so he stretched out his hand and grabbed her hand, sneering Said: "You really know how to pretend!"

As soon as he finished speaking, his lips moved together.

A messy night.

The next morning Qionghua woke up with red eye circles, and Cui Cheng was no longer there, her body was sore and painful, the first time between her and him happened like this, it was not as beautiful as she wanted, Only thick heartache.

For the next few days, Qionghua hid in the house and did not go out, and she never saw Cui Cheng.

Caiyu felt distressed to see her losing weight day by day, and it happened that the red plum blossoms in the East Garden were in bloom, and Caiyu finally persuaded Qionghua to go out to enjoy the plums after a lot of effort.

The white snow and red plums are beautiful, and Qionghua's gloomy mood has improved a lot. She sat in the warm pavilion in the middle of the mountain and watched the plum admirers walking around. Ruan came over from the mountain road not far away.

Ling Ruan was wearing a white fox fur coat. Standing among the white snow and red plums, she clearly looked like a dusty man, and her sapphire-like eyes were shining brightly.Cui Cheng wore a black sable coat, which was unparalleled in handsomeness.

The two walked slowly, and they were a pair of strangers.

Qionghua's eye circles turned red in an instant, and tears were about to come out of her eyes, but she held it back. At this moment, Ling Ruan's feet slipped, and Cui Cheng held her up, her eyes were full of concern and tenderness.

Qionghua only felt that it was extremely glaring, Cui Cheng had never looked at her with such gentle eyes, and tears almost fell from her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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