Chapter 306
Although Yun Jingyan was a bit rigid, but according to Chu Yuanzhou's eloquence and his behavior, it would definitely not be difficult to negotiate with Yun Jingyan on the date of marriage, and it would definitely be as he envisioned.

When Yunqian passed through the gate of the second courtyard, Ping'er came over and said, "Miss Fifth, Master invites you to the flower hall."

Yun Qian nodded slightly. Before she got close, she heard Yun Jingyan's laughter. She knocked on the door, and Yun Jingyan let her in. As soon as she entered, she saw Yun Jingyan and Chu Yuanzhou stood there drinking tea, Chu Yuanzhou raised his eyebrows and smiled when he saw her come in.

Yun Jingyan looked at Yun Qian and said, "My father and my son were discussing your wedding date just now, and it will be on the eighth day of June. I originally said that this matter should be settled, but my son has to ask you if you agree, Qian'er." , Your Majesty treats you like this, it is really your blessing."

Yun Qian said softly, "Thank you, my son."

"Does Qianqian have any opinions on the date of marriage?" Chu Yuanzhou asked with a smile.

Yun Qian glanced at him, saw that he was smiling brightly, and there was hope in his eyes, she lowered her head slightly and said, "It's better for the son and father to decide on this matter."

After she said this, she felt that her skin seemed a little thicker, and she seemed a bit out of line with her image as a lady, so she covered her lips and smiled, turned around and ran out with Shuxiu and Huanyu.

Seeing her like this, Yun Jingyan smiled and said, "Qian'er is sorry."

Chu Yuanzhou looked at Yun Jing and said, "I still have a few words to say to Qianqian."

"My son, please go ahead." Yun Jingyan said with a smile, he always paid attention to the defense of men and women, but he knew Chu Yuanzhou's temperament, and he was also very happy that the long-awaited marriage between the two was settled in this way.

As soon as he was happy, he stopped paying attention to those ethical things.

Chu Yuanzhou walked out quickly, and caught up with Yunqian by the lotus pond. He blocked her way and said, "Do you like that dress?"

Yun Qian asked, "Is it embroidered by the prince?"

"You don't even know how to be a female celebrity, so why do you ask me to?" Chu Yuanzhou said with a smile.

He would never tell her that he hired the most famous embroiderer in the capital to embroider that bright red wedding dress a month ago, nor would he tell her that the patterns on that dress were drawn by him himself.

Yun Qian's eyebrows moved slightly, but Chu Yuanzhou gently took her hand and said, "It's better for us to get married earlier, so as not to have long nights and dreams. I originally planned to marry you in three days, so I didn't want to scare your father. I'm afraid that the time is too hasty and you will be wronged."

Yun Qian wanted to pull her hand out, but she didn't want him to squeeze it very tightly. Her hand couldn't move a little bit. Chu Yuanzhou looked at her and said, "Even though I know that what you said in the square today is not true, I listened to it but it is true." I am very happy. Today I swear by this lotus pond, if you never leave, I will be with you forever! I will protect you for the rest of my life and not let anyone bully you."

His tone was not ridiculed in the past, but seemed extremely serious.

Yun Qian coughed lightly and said, "I've only seen people who swear by pointing fingers, but I haven't seen people who swear by lotus ponds."

He has never acted in an unconventional way, and everything is done according to his temperament, but she knows that all this is just an appearance, and behind this appearance, he is a black-bellied master.

Chu Yuanzhou looked at her fixedly and said, "That's because I think you look like a lotus flower."

"Do you want to say that I come out of the mud without being stained?" Yun Qian dismissed such praise.

(End of this chapter)

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